Fall 2018 Calendar for CS 2505






Tentative Due Dates




Aug 20 - Aug 24


Course Policies and Overview

Course Tools Introduction

*Sobell:  Ch 1

  pptx  pdf

  pptx  pdf

Linux: basic commands and utilities *Sobell:  Ch 2, 3, 5   pptx  pdf





Aug 27 - Aug 31

Linux: access permissions, more commands,

           basic regular expressions

*Sobell:  Ch 4, 6  
C:  Core Syntax and Language Organization Prata:  Ch 2, 3, 5, 6, 7   pptx  pdf




Sept 3 - Sept 7

C:  I/O and Function Interfaces

Prata:  Ch 4, 8, 13 (565 - 578)

           Ch 9

  pptx  pdf

  pptx  pdf



Linux/C:  Intro to gcc     pptx  pdf




Sept 10 - Sept 14 Linux/C:  Intro to gdb

M & S: 1.3, 1.5, 1.7, 2.1,

 2.2, 2.3.1, 2.4.1, 2.5, 2.6

  pptx  pdf 


Sept 11:  L01, L02



Sept 14:  C01

C:  Program Organization and Separate Compilation

C:  Identifier Attributes

Prata:  Ch 12 (511 - 542)

  pptx  pdf

  pptx  pdf




Sept 17 - Sept 21

C:  Arrays

Prata:  Ch 10 (383 - 393)

  pptx  pdf  

Sept 21:  C02

C:  Intro to Pointers

Prata:  Ch 10 (371-378)

            Ch 12 (543 - 546)

  pptx  pdf




Sept 24 - Sept 28

C:  Strings

C:  Pointers and Arrays

Prata: Ch 11, 13 (579 - 596)

  pptx  pdf

  pptx  pdf


Sept 26:  C03 (gdb)

C:  Advanced Pointer Topics

C:  Pointer Casts


  pptx  pdf




Oct 1 - Oct 5 Test 1 (Oct 1/2)



Oct 1:  Last day to drop




Math:      Numeric Bases

Machine: Data Representation (basic)

csapp:  1.1 - 1.4

csapp:  Ch 2

  pptx  pdf

  pptx  pdf




Oct 8 - Oct 12

C:  Bitwise Operations Prata:  Ch 15 (673 - 690)   pptx  pdf

Oct 8:  C04



C:  Structured Types

Prata:  Ch 14 (601 - 655)

  pptx  pdf




Oct 15 - Oct 19

Machine:  high-level processor overview

                IA32/x86-64 HW architecture

csapp:  1.5 - 1.7   pptx  pdf Oct 15:  C05

Oct 19:  C06

x86-64 Assembly:  Introduction csapp: 3.1 - 3.5   pptx  pdf




Oct 22 - Oct 26

x86-64 Assembly:  Control Structures


  pptx  pdf

  pptx  pdf




Oct 26:  C07

x86-64 Assembly:  Procedures and the Stack

csapp:  3.7

  pptx  pdf

  pptx  pdf




Oct 29 - Nov 2

C:  Generic List Implementation in C

M & S: 2.7.1-2, 2.8.1,  

 2.9.1, 2.10.1, 2.12.1,

 3.1, 3.2.1, 4.3

  pptx  pdf







Nov 5 - Nov 9

Linux/C:  gdb List Example example

  pptx  pdf


Test 2    




Nov 12 - Nov 16 Linux:  gdb, valgrind and debugging example

  pptx  pdf

  pptx  pdf


Nov 16:  C08

Linux:  bash Shell Scripting

*Sobell:  Chapter 10   pptx  pdf

Thanksgiving Break




Nov 26 - Nov 30

Linux:  more on Shell Scripting      

Nov 30: C10

Linux:  More on Regular Expressions     pptx  pdf


Dec 3 - Dec 5

Summary     Dec   5:  C10, C11


Dec 12 19:00 - 21:00  Wednesday    MWF Section:  Goodwin 145   TR Section:  Goodwin 190


Course notes are subject to updating at any time prior to the delivery of the corresponding lecture, so be sure to check here for the latest version.


* denotes a resource available in the Safari database via the VT Library System