CS 1704 - Spring 2004


See Departmental Policy on KOOFERS, OLD PROGRAMS, CHEATING, AND COMPUTER USE for required policies. 

Summer 2003 Exam Guide:

  1. Separate Compilation (Previous year's Koofers are a good source.)

  2. Command Line arguments (The slides are a good reference.)

  3. Class basic (Previous year's Koofers and the slides)  This includes taxonomy, constructors, destructors, static, const, operator overload, etc.

  4. Basic Software engineering principles, including testing principles (homework, graphs and terms in notes) Spiral and Waterfall model (notes)

  5. ADT concepts (information hiding, encapsulation, etc in notes)

  6. Pointer basics (notes)

  7. Hint:  The Koofer from Spring 2003 test 1 is a good reference for a portion of the questions.

  8. The test has 53 questions, some multiple choice, true/false, and matching.  It also asks you to write a little code and to answer a few short answer questions.  Each question is worth 2 points, so you actually get more than a 100%.

Spring 2003:

Fall 2002:

Spring 2002:

Fall 2001:

Spring 2001:

Spring 2000: