CS 3114 Calendar and Readings






Due Dates




May 22

Course Administration & Policies
Text file access:  sequential and random
Weiss: 1.2, 1.5, 1.6 Java File I/O  

May 23

BST Overview Weiss: 4.1 - 4.3 BST Overview  

May 24

BST Implementation and Theorems Weiss: 4.6 BST Implementation and Theorems  
May 25

Java Discussion


Java equals() and 

Java Generics


May 26

PR Quadtree Operations   PR Quadtree Definition and Examples  




May 29 Memorial Day (no classes)      
May 30 PR Quadtree Implementation Issues   PR Quadtree in Java J1:  GIS Parser
May 31 Hash Tables Weiss: 5.1, 5.3, 5.4 Hash Tables  
June 1 Hash Tables Weiss: 5.2 Hash Functions  
June 2 Hash Tables Weiss: 5.7 Perfect Hash Fns   Other Issues  




June 5

Design:  Classes & Systems


Identifying Classes

Designing Classes   PEST

HW 1:  Trees

June 6

Design and Project Discussions    


June 7

Skip Lists Weiss: 10.4.2 Skip Lists

HW 2:  Hashing

J2:  BST

June 8

AVL & Splay Trees Weiss: 4.4 AVL Trees   Splay Trees  

June 9





June 12 Algorithm Analysis   Algorithm Analysis  
June 13 Asymptotics Weiss: 2.1 - 2.4 Asymptotics  
June 14 Secondary Storage   Secondary Stg  
June 15 Buffering   Buffer Pools  
June 16 B-trees Weiss: 4.7 B trees J3:  PR Quadtree




June 19

Sorting:  Algorithms

Weiss: 7.1, 7.2, 7.4 - 7.6, 7.7.1 - 7.7.4, 7.9

Weiss: 6.3

Sorting Alg  Heaps


June 20

Sorting:  External Sorting Weiss: 7.10 External Sorting


June 21

Sorting:  Performance Analysis Weiss 7.3, 7.5.1, 7.6.1, 7.7.5, 7.8 Sorting Analysis HW 3:  Complexity

June 22

Graph Structures Weiss: 9.1 Graph Structures  

June 23

Graph Traversals   Graph Traversals J4:  GIS





June 26

Weighted Graphs Weiss: 9.3 Weighted Graphs  
June 27 Topological Ordering Weiss: 9.2 Topo Ordering  
June 28 Euler Circuits   Euler Circuits HW 4:  Sorting/Graphs
June 29 Summary      
June 30 Final Exam:  13:00 - 15:00