25 Points Due: 9/19/01 at the start of class
Complete each of the following
- Write a Scheme function that returns the intersection of two
simple list parameters that represent sets.
- Chapter 15, Problem 2 (p. 627 of 5E text, in 4E:
Chapter 14, Problem 2 on p. 602):
Write your own implementation of the Scheme built-in function
sublist :
(sublist list start end)
Returns a newly allocated list formed from the elements of
list beginning at index start
(inclusive) and ending at end (exclusive). You may
assume that start and end are integers that satisfy:
0 <= start <= end <= (length list)
Name your function my-sublist , since
sublist is already provided as a standard
operation in Scheme (you may not use sublist ,
list-head , or list-tail in your solution).