CS 3114 Calendar and Readings






Due Dates




May 25

Memorial Day Holiday  



May 26

Course Administration & Policies
Text file access:  sequential and random
Weiss: 1.2, 1.5, 1.6 Java File I/O  

May 27

BST Overview Weiss: 4.1 - 4.3 BST Overview  
May 28 BST Implementation and Theorems Weiss: 4.6 BST Implementation and Theorems  

May 29

Java Discussion


Java equals() and 

Java Generics





June 1 PR Quadtree Operations   PR Quadtree Definition and Examples  
June 2 PR Quadtree Implementation Issues   PR Quadtree in Java J1:  GIS Parser
June 3 Hash Tables Weiss: 5.1, 5.3, 5.4 Hash Tables HW 1:  Trees
June 4 Hash Tables Weiss: 5.2 Hash Functions  
June 5 Hash Tables Weiss: 5.7 Perfect Hash Fns   Other Issues  




June 8

Design:  Classes & Systems


Identifying Classes

Designing Classes   PEST


June 9

Design and Project Discussions    


June 10

Skip Lists Weiss: 10.4.2 Skip Lists

HW 2:  Hashing

J2:  BST

June 11

AVL & Splay Trees Weiss: 4.4 AVL Trees   Splay Trees  

June 12

Midterm in Surge 104A  topics      




June 15 Algorithm Analysis   Algorithm Analysis  
June 16 Asymptotics Weiss: 2.1 - 2.4 Asymptotics  
June 17 Secondary Storage   Secondary Stg  
June 18 Buffering   Buffer Pools  
June 19 NO CLASS     J3:  PR Quadtree




June 22

B-trees Weiss: 4.7 B trees  

June 23

Sorting:  Algorithms

Weiss: 7.1, 7.2, 7.4 - 7.6, 7.7.1 - 7.7.4, 7.9

Weiss: 6.3

Sorting Alg  Heaps


June 24

Sorting:  External Sorting Weiss: 7.10 External Sorting HW 3

June 25

Sorting:  Performance Analysis Weiss 7.3, 7.5.1, 7.6.1, 7.7.5, 7.8 Sorting Analysis  

June 26

Graph Structures Weiss: 9.1 Graph Structures J4:  GIS





June 29

Graph Traversals   Graph Traversals  
June 30 Weighted Graphs Weiss: 9.3 Weighted Graphs  
July 1 Topological Ordering Weiss: 9.2 Topo Ordering HW 4
July 2 Summary      
July 3 Exams Begin      


Final Exam:  13:00 - 15:00 Monday July 6