CS 2505 Assignments

No assignments are considered official until assigned in class.  Any assignment that is labeled "DRAFT" is subject to substantial modification.

  Assignment Associated Files Solution Due Weight Last Modified


Linux:  Configuration


Some notes on shell configuration

Basic config files

See TAs

23:59 Sept  11

4% Aug 20
L02 Linux:  Command Basics N/A here 23:59 Sept  11 4% Sept 6


C:  Filter Digits

Test Harness

See TAs

23:59 Sept 14

4% Sept 13


C:  Parsing Coordinates

Test Harness  TaxiCab Metric

See TAs

23:59 Sept 21

4% Sept 14
C03 Linux/C: gdb Files TBA 23:59 Sept 26 4% Sept 16


C:  Permutational Cipher

Test Harness

Validator (see Forum)

See TAs

23:59 Oct    8


Sept 16

C05 C:  Memory and Pointers Test Harness See TAs 23:59 Oct  15 4% Oct 6
C06 C:  Data Lab I Handout See TAs 23:59 Oct  19 4% Oct 6
C07 C:  Arrays and Structs

(see correction on page 1)

Test Harness See TAs 23:59 Oct  26 4% Oct 21


C:  GIS System

Test Harness  (11/13 version)


Design discussion:  pptx  pdf

Parsing notes:  pptx  pdf


Grading Harness

See TAs

23:59 Nov 16


Nov 5

C09 C:  Data Lab II Handout  (updated 11/16)

Updated:  decl.c

See TAs 23:59 Nov 30 4% Oct 25
C10 C:  String Type Test Harness See TAs 23:59 Dec   5 8% Nov 13
C11 x86:  Binary Bomb N/A See TAs 23:59 Dec   5 6% Nov 15

If you are allowed to work with a partner on an assignment, and choose to do so, paste a copy of the partners template into your assignment and fill in the PIDs and names of both partners.  Failure to include this information may result in one of you not receiving credit for the assignment.

Download the associated files by right-clicking on the link and selecting "Save link" or "Save target".  Always use dos2unix to verify the line termination after transferring a file to your Linux system or to rlogin.

Unless instructed otherwise, you will submit your assignments to the Curator System.  See  www.cs.vt.edu/curator/ for information.  Note your Curator user ID is your VT email PID, and your initial password is your VT student ID number.

All dates are tentative and subject to change. Late assignments will generally NOT be accepted.