DSLR Camera Software


Functional Requirements

FR-1. The camera must be turned on and set to automatic mode in order for the system to control the camera.

FR-2. The camera must be turned on and set to manual mode in order for the system to relinquish control of the camera.

FR-3. The system must support the ability to autofocus the camera. The system must physically manipulate the lens to set the focal point based on the target object of the picture.

FR-4. The system must support the ability to measure the amount of light on the sensor and physically manipulate the aperture based on the amount of light in the environment.

FR-5. The system must support the ability to measure the amount of light on the sensor and physically engage the flash based on the amount of light in the environment.

FR-6. The system must support the ability to measure the amount of light on the sensor and physically manipulate the speed of opening and closing of the shutter based on the amount of light in the environment.

FR-7. The system must persist captured image data to physical storage in the form of a secure digital (SD) card.

FR-8. The system must persist image metadata consisting of camera settings, location coordinates read from an onboard GPS device, as well as the date and time the image was captured, to physical storage in the form of a secure digital (SD) card.

FR-9. The system must have the ability to make basic edits to a stored image:

FR-9.1. Convert image from color to black and white

FR-9.2. Noise Reduction

FR-9.3 Red eye removal

FR-10. When an external device is added to the camera (i.e. external flash), the built in equivalent will not activate and priority will be given to the external device.

Non-Functional Requirements

NFR-1. The system shall be embedded in a camera system running the BusyBox operating system in a Linux kernel.

NFR-2. The system shall be in full operating mode within two seconds of the camera being turned on.

NFR-3. The system shall be in off mode within two seconds of the camera being turned off.

NFR-4. The system shall switch from automatic mode to manual mode in less than one second of the user requesting the change in operating mode.

NFR-5. The system shall be capable of controlling multiple brands of lenses compatible with the camera body lens mount.

NFR-6. The system shall be capable of recovering from a camera or system failure, leaving the camera and system in an operable state.

NFR-7. The system shall be able to persist data to physical storage in less than 1 second.

NFR-8. The system shall have two four-image buffers to allow for a rapid series of pictures to be processed and written to the SD card, respectively.

NFR-9. The system shall be able to activate the shutter to take the picture within 100ms of the user pressing the shutter button.

NFR-10. The system shall be able to convert and store still images in the JPEG format.

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