
Important links for this semester

  • If you do not have an SLO account. You can go to https://admin.cs.vt.edu/create.pl to create one. If you are non-CS student, you may have to send an email to techstaff@cs.vt.edu to request creation of the SLO account.

  • Some portions of the course page are only accessible from computers with vt.edu addresses. If you have difficulty accessing such pages from VTech machine, let me know.

  • Details of previous CS3214 offerings can be found here


Projects & Exercises
Due dates, handouts, instructions
Exercise Submission Page
but can also use the command-line ~cs3214/bin/submit.pl script)
Group Registration
See available students and register your group; learn your SVN group id
Your Grades
This directory will contain any grades you obtained
This directory contains examples I'm showing in class; also at /web/courses/cs3214/fall2012/butta/examples
Buflab (P1) Scoreboard
See the class's progress on Project 1.
Project 2 Specification
Student Plug-in List
Questions students in past semesters had.
P2 Debugging
Useful guidance on how to debug your shell.