
Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Bear Galvin, Greg Gagne
Operating Systems Concepts, 8th Edition
John Wiley & Sons, 2008, ISBN 0-470-12872-0
C Resources
- Nick Parlante's Essential C
An introduction to C; covers pointers in great detail. - Lions Commentary.
Chapter 3 "Reading C Programs" is required reading in MIT's 6.828 course. -
C99 Features used in Pintos
C99 is the most recent revision to the C language and introduces a few features you may or may not be familiar with.
Resources on POSIX Threads
- POSIX Threads Tutorial
Useful for quickly learning/looking up PThreads. -
An Introduction to Programming with Threads, by Andrew Birrell.
Very detailed and covers every angle.
Resources on Assembly Language & Intel 80x86
- PC Assembly Language,
Paul A. Carter, November 2003
- Writing inline assembly language with GCC:
- Brennan's Guide to Inline Assembly, Brennan "Mr. Wacko" Underwood
- Inline assembly for x86 in Linux, Bharata B. Rao, IBM
- x86 Inline Assembly Programming, Anthony Aaby
Reference Section in Pintos Manual