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Package student.weblog

This package provides all of the course-specific classes based on the web log analyzer example from Chapter 4 of Objects First with Java by Michael Kolling and David Barnes.

See: Description

Package student.weblog Description

This package provides all of the course-specific classes based on the web log analyzer example from Chapter 4 of Objects First with Java by Michael Kolling and David Barnes. These classes support program assignments where students write their own web log analysis programs, using real Apache log data from a live server (in this case, typically from our departmental server).

The primary differences between the classes in this package and those discussed in the B&K text are:

  1. The LogEntry class provides access to time information using the java.util.Calendar class, and that it also provides other information about each log entry (the URL being requested, the result code sent back to the requester, the browser being used, and so on).

  2. The LogReader class, which corresponds to the B&K LogfileReader class, is designed to work on a BufferedReader input stream.

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