CS6104: Structural Bioinformatics and Computational Biophysics - Spring 2004

TUE 3.30 - 6.00 pm WILLIAMS 334

"Eeverything that the living things do ... can be described as the wiggling and jiggling of atoms" R. Feynman

Instructor:        Alexey Onufriev
Office:              2160C Torgersen Hall
Phone:              (540)231-4237 (E-mail is strongly preferred)
Email:               onufriev@cs.vt.edu
Office Hours:    Tue 1-3pm
Text Books:
Syllabus: PDF

Computer Labs available

1. Introduction.   Scribe notes
2. Projects   Scribe notes
3. Inrto into DNA, Proteins, PDB

Research Groups

Tips & Links