CS 1704 - Summer II 2003


See the Programming Standards page for requirements and policies.

A Word document to help with Structure Charts is here.
More about Structure Charts can be found here.


Project 1: (100 points)

Rubik's Cube Due July 8, 2003 before Midnight.

Test input file:  input.txt
Commands to enter: com_input.txt
Test output file:  output.txt

Note: You can run your rubiks.exe and not have to manually enter the commands by getting a dos prompt and typing "rubiks.exe < com_input.txt" without the quotes.  This makes it as if each line in the com_input.txt was typed one after another in your program.

Rubik's Cube Design Due July 9, 2003 before Midnight to the curator, paper copy by the next class meeting.

        75 points:  Correct Output (multiply curator grade by 75/100)
        10 points:  Design
        15 points:  All requirements met and good programming standards applied.

Project 2: (90 points)

Multimedia Organizer Design.  Due July 12, 2003 before Midnight to the curator, paper copy by the next class meeting.

Sample student input file:  students.data
Sample items input file:  items.data
Sample commands input file: commands.data
Sample output file:  output.data

          Multimedia Organizer.  Due July 16, 2003 before Midnight.

        60 points:  Correct Output (multiply curator grade by 60/90)
        15 points:  Design
        15 points:  All requirements met and good programming standards applied.

Project 3:  (90 points)

          3.1: Linked list class.   Due July 23, 2003 before Midnight.
          3.2: Stack.  Due July 26, 2003 before Midnight.
          3.3: Queue.  Due July 26, 2003 before Midnight. 

        40 points:  Linked List (curator output multiplied by 4)
        20 points:  Stack (curator output multiplied by 2)
        20 points:  Queue (curator output multiplied by 2)
        10 points:  Good programming standards applied.

Project 4: (120 points)

4.1: Project 2 converted to CGI, no submission, but should be done by August 1, 2003 before Midnight.
4.2: Project 2 converted to CGI with GUI, as specified in the project description.

        100 points: output
        20 points:  S/E


Assignment 1 Due July 10, 2003 before Midnight.