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Package student.adventure

This package provides all of the course-specific classes based on the "World of Zuul" adventure game example from Chapter 7 of Objects First with Java by Michael Kolling and David Barnes.

See: Description

Package student.adventure Description

This package provides all of the course-specific classes based on the "World of Zuul" adventure game example from Chapter 7 of Objects First with Java by Michael Kolling and David Barnes. These classes support program assignments where students write their own adventure games by adding to and extending these core classes.

The primary differences between the classes in this package and those discussed in the B&K text are:

  1. The Command objects use polymorphism (object-oriented dispatch) for controlling execution of the proper behavior, rather than a series of if statements as in the textbook (see exercise 7.39 in the text).

  2. The Game class is abstract, and cannot be played directly. Instead, one must create a subclass and define three abstract methods to produce a playable game.

  3. The classes in this package have been designed so that one can implement a game and extend all necessary features by appropriate subclassing and overriding. As a result, these classes are distributed in binary form only. This contrasts with the scenario in the text, where students directly modify the source code of these classes.

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