Computational Biology
Scribe Notes for Class 14
June 9, 2000
Scribe: Chad Wingrave
Today's Handouts and Announcements
- Sample BLAST Search Results handout
- Photocopy of "Sequence Comparison and Database Search" pg. 88 S&M
- Dr. Alscher suggested BIOL2104 Cell and Molecular Biology for those interested in more of the biology of bioinformatics
- We choose the subjects we were to work on
Today's Topics
- PsiBlast (Position Specific Iterated BLAST)
Create a table from all the relevant BLAST results scoring the significance of an amino at a certain position. Use this to search in the future. This focuses on finding functional domains.
- Fasta (see handout)
- Find all ktuples in s and index
- Calculate the offset for each sequence
- Sum offsets in table and choose the largest
- Align and find regions
- Take 5 best and rescore w/PAM matrix
- Take best and look for best local alignment
Today's Sources
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