Questionnaire: CS 6104---Algorithmic Number Theory

May 18, 1998

First Summer Session, 1998

Please help me to set up the course by answering these questions. Feel free to elaborate upon your answers where appropriate.

Your name:

What you prefer to be called:

Your email address (not optional):

Home page URL (if any):


Computer Science background (degrees, courses, programming experience, computer use, etc.):

Mathematics background (degrees, courses, etc.):

English technical writing skill (1=weak, 3=good, 5=excellent):

LaTeX competency (0=none, 5=extensive):

Mathematica competency (0=none, 5=extensive):

Do you have access to Mathematica?

Is there someone you prefer to work with on scribe notes?

cs6104 class account
Fri May 15 07:39:23 EDT 1998