@article{Brillhart:1972, key = "Brillhart 1972", author = "J. Brillhart", title = "Note on representing a prime as a sum of two squares", journal = MC, volume = 26, year = 1972, pages = "1011-1013"} @article{Rabin&Shallit:1986, author = "M. O. Rabin and J. O. Shallit", key = "Rabin and Shallit 1986", title = "Randomized algorithms in number theory", journal = CPAM, volume = 39, number = "S", year = 1986, pages = "239-256"} @incollection{Lenstra:1984b, key = "H. W. Lenstra 1984b", author = "Lenstra, Jr., H. W.", title = "Introduction", booktitle = "Computational Methods in Number Theory", editor = "Lenstra, Jr., H. W. and R. Tijdeman", publisher = "Mathematical Centre Tracts", address = "Amsterdam", year = 1984, pages = "1-6"} @incollection{Kannan:1984, author = "R. Kannan", key = "Kannan 1984", title = "Lattices, basis reduction, and the shortest vector problem", booktitle = "Theory of Algorithms ({P\'ecs}, 1984)", series = "Colloq. Math. Soc. Janos Bolyai", volume = 44, year = 1984, pages = "283-311"} @techreport{Shallit:1985, author = "J. O. Shallit", key = "Shallit 1985", title = "Random polynomial time algorithms for sums of squares", institution = "University of Chicago, Department of Computer Science", number = "85-001", year = 1985, month = "January"} @article{Backhouse:1982, key = "Backhouse 1982", author = "R. Backhouse", title = "Writing a number as the sum of two squares: a new solution", journal = "Info. Proc. Letters", volume = 14, year = 1982, pages = "15-17"} @article{Fine:1977, key = "Fine 1977", author = "B. Fine", title = "A note on the two-square theorem", journal = CMB, volume = 20, year = 1977, pages = "93-94"} @article{Wagon:1990, key = "Wagon 1990", author = "S. Wagon", title = "The {Euclidean} algorithm strikes again", journal = AMM, volume = 97, year = 1990, pages = "125-129"} @article{Serret:1848, key = "Serret 1848", author = "J.-A. Serret", title = "Sur un th\'eor\`eme relatif aux nombres entiers", journal = JMPA, volume = 13, year = 1848, pages = "12-14"} @article{Hermite:1848, key = "Hermite 1848", author = "C. Hermite", title = "Note au sujet de l'article {pr\'ec\'edent}", journal = JMPA, volume = 13, year = 1848, pages = "15"} @article{Cornacchia:1908, key = "Cornacchia 1908", author = "G. Cornacchia", title = "Su di un metodo per la risoluzione in numeri interi dell'equazione", journal = "Giornale di Matematiche di Battaglini", volume = 46, year = 1908, pages = "33-90"}