@article{Rotkiewicz:1980, key = "Rotkiewicz 1980", author = "A. Rotkiewicz", title = "Arithmetical progressions formed from three different {Euler} pseudoprimes for the odd base $a$", journal = RCMP, volume = 29, year = 1980, pages = "420-426"} @article{Makowski&Rotkiewicz:1969, key = "Makowski and Rotkiweicz 1969", author = "A. Makowski and A. Rotkiewicz", title = "On pseudoprime numbers of special form", journal = CM, volume = 20, year = 1969, pages = "269-271"} @article{Pomerance:1982c, key = "Pomerance 1982c", author = "C. Pomerance", title = "A new lower bound for the pseudoprime counting function", journal = IJM, volume = 26, year = "{\noopsort{1982c}}1982", pages = "4-9"} @article{Sierpinski:1947, key = "{Sierpi\'nski} 1947", author = "W. {Sierpi\'nski}", title = "Remarque sur une {hypoth\`ese} des {Chinois} concernant les nombres {$(2^n -2)/n$}", journal = CM, volume = 1, year = 1947, pages = 9} @article{Rotkiewicz:1964b, key = "Rotkiewicz 1964b", author = "A. Rotkiewicz", title = "Sur les progressions {arithm\'etiques} et {g\'eom\'etriques} {form\'ees} de trois nombres pseudopremiers distincts", journal = AA, volume = 10, year = "{\noopsort{1964b}}1964", pages = "325-328"} @article{Rotkiewicz:1967, key = "Rotkiewicz 1967", author = "A. Rotkiewicz", title = "On the pseudoprimes of the form $ax+b$", journal = PCPS, volume = 63, year = 1967, pages = "389-392"} @article{Rotkiewicz:1963a, key = "Rotkiewicz 1963a", author = "A. Rotkiewicz", title = "Sur les nombres pseudopremiers de la forme $ax+b$", journal = CRASP, volume = 257, year = "{\noopsort{1963a}}1963", pages = "2601-2604"} @article{Rotkiewicz:1972a, key = "Rotkiewicz 1972a", author = "A. Rotkiewicz", title = "On some problems of {W. Sierpi\'nski}", journal = AA, volume = 21, year = 1972, pages = "251-259"} @article{Szymiczek:1967, key = "Szymiczek 1967", author = "K. Szymiczek", title = "On pseudoprimes which are products of distinct primes", journal = AMM, volume = 74, year = 1967, pages = "35-37"} @article{Rotkiewicz:1962, key = "Rotkiewicz 1962", author = "A. Rotkiewicz", title = "Sur les nombres premiers $p$ et $q$ tels que $pq \divides 2^{pq}- 2$", journal = RCMP, volume = 11, year = 1962, pages = "280-282"} @article{Rotkiewicz:1979, key = "Rotkiewicz 1979", author = "A. Rotkiewicz", title = "The solution of {W. Sierpi\'nski's} problem", journal = RCMP, volume = 28, year = 1979, pages = "62-64"} @article{van.der.Poorten&Rotkiewicz:1980, key = "van der Poorten and Rotkiewicz 1980", author = "Poorten, A. J. van der and A. Rotkiewicz", title = "On strong pseudoprimes in arithmetic progressions", journal = JAMSA, volume = 29, year = 1980, pages = "316-321"} @article{Rotkiewicz&Wasen:1979, key = "Rotkiewicz and {Was\'en} 1979", author = "A. Rotkiewicz and R. {Was\'en}", title = "On a numbertheoretical series", journal = PMD, volume = 26, year = 1979, pages = "1-4"} @article{Szymiczek:1965, key = "Szymiczek 1965", author = "K. Szymiczek", title = "On prime numbers $p$, $q$, and $r$ such that $pq$, $pr$, and $qr$ are pseudoprimes", journal = CM, volume = 13, year = 1965, pages = "259-263"} @article{Rotkiewicz:1964a, key = "Rotkiewicz 1964a", author = "A. Rotkiewicz", title = "Sur les formules donnant des nombres pseudopremiers", journal = CM, volume = 12, year = "{\noopsort{1964a}}1964", pages = "69-72"} @article{Beeger:1951, key = "Beeger 1951", author = "N. G. W. H. Beeger", title = "On even numbers $m$ dividing $2^m - 2$", journal = AMM, volume = 58, year = 1951, pages = "553-555"} @article{Rotkiewicz:1982, key = "Rotkiewicz 1982", author = "A. Rotkiewicz", title = "On {Euler} {Lehmer} pseudoprimes and strong {Lehmer} pseudoprimes with parameters {$L$, $Q$} in arithmetic progressions", journal = MC, volume = 39, year = 1982, pages = "239-247"} @incollection{Gurak:1989, key = "Gurak 1989", author = "S. Gurak", title = "Cubic and biquadratic pseudoprimes of {Lucas} type", booktitle = "Number Theory: Proceedings of International Number Theory Conference held at {Universit\'e} Laval, July 5-18, 1987", editors = "Koninck, J.-M. de and C. Levesque", publisher = "Walter de Gruyter", address = "Berlin", year = 1989, pages = "330-347"} @article{ELehmer:1964, key = "E. Lehmer 1964", author = "E. Lehmer", title = "On the infinitude of {Fibonacci} pseudo-primes", journal = FQ, volume = 2, year = 1964, pages = "229-230"} @article{Parberry:1970, key = "E. Parberry 1970", author = "E. A. Parberry", title = "On primes and pseudo-primes related to the {Fibonacci} sequence", journal = FQ, volume = 8, year = 1970, pages = "49-60"} @article{Sarrus:1819, key = "Sarrus 1819", author = "F. Sarrus", title = "{D\'emonstration} de la {fausset\'e} du {th\'eor\`eme} {\'enonc\'e} {\`a} la page 320 du {$IX.^e$} volume de ce receuil", journal = "Annales de Math. Pure Appl.", volume = 10, year = "1819-20", pages = "184-187"} @article{Rotkiewicz:1964c, key = "Rotkiewicz 1964c", author = "A. Rotkiewicz", title = "Une formule explicite pour un nombre pseudopremier par rapport {\`a} un nombre entier {donn\'e} $a > 1$", journal = ELEM, volume = 19, year = "{\noopsort{1964c}}1964", pages = 36} @article{Rotkiewicz:1966, key = "Rotkiewicz 1966", author = "A. Rotkiewicz", title = "Sur les nombres pseudopremiers de la forme $nk+1$", journal = ELEM, volume = 21, year = 1966, pages = "32-33"} @article{Makowski:1974, key = "Makowski 1974", author = "A. Makowski", title = "On a problem of {Rotkiewicz} on pseudoprime numbers", journal = ELEM, volume = 29, year = 1974, pages = "13"} @article{Gurak:1990, key = "Gurak 1990", author = "S. Gurak", title = "Pseudoprimes for higher-order linear recurrence sequences", journal = MC, volume = 55, year = 1990, pages = "783-813"} @article{Phong:1988, key = "Phong 1988", author = "B. M. Phong", title = "On super {Lucas} and super {Lehmer} pseudoprimes", journal = "Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica", volume = 23, year = 1988, pages = "435-442"} @article{Sispanov:1941, key = "{Sisp\'anov} 1941", author = "S. {Sisp\'anov}", title = "Sobre los numeros pseudo-primos", journal = "Boletin Matetmatico", volume = 14, year = 1941, pages = "99-106"} @article{Lidl&Muller&Oswald:1990, key = "Lidl, {M\"uller}, and Oswald 1990", author = "R. Lidl and W. B. {M\"uller} and A. Oswald", title = "Some remarks on strong {Fibonacci} pseudoprimes", journal = AAECC, volume = 1, year = 1990, pages = "59-65"} @article{Rotkiewicz:1972b, key = "Rotkiewicz 1972b", author = "A. Rotkiewicz", title = "On the number of pseudoprimes $\leq x$", journal = "Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Univ. Beograd", comment = "No volume number exists.", number = "389", year = 1972, pages = "43-45"} @incollection{Kiss&Phong&Lieuwens:1986, key = "Kiss, Phong, and Lieuwens 1986", author = "P. Kiss and B. M. Phong and E. Lieuwens", title = "On {Lucas} pseudoprimes which are products of $n$ primes", booktitle = "Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications", editor = "A. N. Philippou and G. E. Bergum and A. F. Horadam", publisher = "D. Reidel", address = "Dordrecht", year = 1986, pages = "131-139"} @article{Cipolla:1904b, key = "Cipolla 1904b", author = "M. Cipolla", title = "Sui numeri composti {$P$}, che verificano la congruenza di {Fermat} {$a^{P-1} \equiv 1$ (mod $P$)}", journal = AMPA, volume = 9, year = 1904, pages = "139-160"} @article{Steuerwald:1948, key = "Steuerwald 1948", author = "R. Steuerwald", title = "{\"Uber} die {Kongruenz} $a^{n-1} \equiv 1 $ (mod $n$)", journal = "Sitzungsber. Math.-naturw. Kl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. {M\"unchen}", year = 1948, pages = "69-70"} @article{Yorinaga:1976, key = "Yorinaga 1976", author = "M. Yorinaga", title = "A technique of numerical production of a sequence of pseudo-prime numbers", journal = MJOU, volume = 19, year = 1976, pages = "1-17"} @book{Rotkiewicz:1972c, key = "Rotkiewicz 1972c", author = "A. Rotkiewicz", title = "Pseudoprime Numbers and Their Generalizations", year = 1972, publisher = "University of Novi Sad", address = "Novi Sad, Yugoslavia"} @article{Malo:1903, key = "Malo 1903", author = "E. Malo", title = "Nombres qui, sans \^etre premiers, v\'erifient exceptionellement une congruence de {Fermat}", journal = LIM, volume = 10, year = 1903, pages = "88"} @article{Gordon&Pomerance:1991, key = "D. Gordon and Pomerance 1991", author = "D. M. Gordon and C. Pomerance", title = "The distribution of {Lucas} and elliptic pseudoprimes", journal = MC, volume = 57, pages = "825-838", year = 1991, note = "Corrigendum in {\bf 60} (1993), 877"} @article{Miyamoto&RamMurty:1989, key = "Miyamoto and Ram Murty 1989", author = "I. Miyamoto and {Ram Murty}, M.", title = "Elliptic pseudoprimes", journal = MC, volume = 53, year = 1989, pages = "415-430"} @article{GordonD:1989, key = "D. Gordon 1989", author = "D. M. Gordon", title = "On the number of elliptic pseudoprimes", journal = MC, volume = 52, year = 1989, pages = "231-245"} @article{Owings:1982, key = "Owings 1982", author = "J. C. Owings", title = "The {Lucas} sequence as a test for primality", journal = AAMS, volume = 3, number = 1, year = 1982, pages = "131-132", note = "Abstract 82T-10-19"} @article{Singmaster:1983, key = "Singmaster 1983", author = "D. Singmaster", title = "Some {Lucas} pseudo-primes", journal = AAMS, volume = 4, number = 2, year = 1983, pages = "197", note = "Abstract 83T-10-146"} @article{Filipponi:1990, key = "Filipponi 1990", author = "P. Filipponi", title = "Fibonacci pseudoprimes to $4.3 \cdot 10^9$", journal = AAMS, volume = 11, number = 2, year = 1990, pages = "231", note = "Abstract 90T-11-28"} @incollection{Somer:1989, key = "Somer 1989", author = "L. Somer", title = "On {Fermat} $d$-pseudoprimes", booktitle = "Number Theory (Proceedings of the International Number Theory Conference Held at {Universit\'e} Laval, July 5--18, 1987)", editor = "J.-M. de Koninck and C. Levesque", publisher = "Walter de Gruyter", address = "Berlin", year = 1989, pages = "841-860"} @article{DiPorto&Filipponi:1989, key = "Di Porto and Filipponi 1989", author = "Porto, A. Di and P. Filipponi", title = "More on the {Fibonacci} pseudoprimes", journal = FQ, volume = 27, year = 1989, pages = "232-242"} @article{Rotkiewicz:1969, key = "Rotkiewicz 1969", author = "A. Rotkiewicz", title = "On arithmetical progressions formed by $k$ different pseudoprimes", journal = "J. Mathematical Sciences", volume = 4, year = 1969, pages = "5-10"} @article{Rotkiewicz:1963b, key = "Rotkiewicz 1963b", author = "A. Rotkiewicz", title = "Sur les nombres {compos\'es} tels que $n \divides 2^n -2$ et $n \, \nodiv \, 3^n - 3$", journal = "Bull. Soc. {Math\'ematiciens} et {Physiciens} de la R. S. de Serbie", volume = 15, year = "{\noopsort{1963b}}1963", pages = "7-11"} @article{Rotkiewicz:1964d, key = "Rotkiewicz 1964d", author = "A. Rotkiewicz", title = "Une {g\'en\'eralisation} d'un {th\'eor\`eme} de {Cipolla}", journal = "Glasnik Math.-Fiz. i Astr.", volume = 19, year = "{\noopsort{1964d}}1964", pages = "187-188"} @article{Rotkiewicz:1964e, key = "Rotkiewicz 1964e", author = "A. Rotkiewicz", title = "Sur les nombres naturels $n$ et $k$ tels que les nombres $n$ et $nk$ sont {\`a} la fois pseudopremiers", journal = "Rendiconta della Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei", volume = 36, year = "{\noopsort{1964e}}1964", pages = "816-818"} @article{Rotkiewicz:1964f, key = "Rotkiewicz 1964f", author = "A. Rotkiewicz", title = "Remarque sur un {th\'eor\`eme} de {F. Proth}", journal = MV, volume = 1, year = "{\noopsort{1964f}}1964", pages = "244-245"} @article{Rotkiewicz:1964g, key = "Rotkiewicz 1964g", author = "A. Rotkiewicz", title = "Sur les {polyn\^ omes} en $x$ qui pour une {infinit\'e} de nombres naturels $x$ donnent des nombres pseudopremiers", journal = "Rendiconta della Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei", volume = 36, year = "{\noopsort{1964g}}1964", pages = "136-140"} @article{Rotkiewicz:1973, key = "Rotkiewicz 1973", author = "A. Rotkiewicz", title = "On the pseudoprimes with respect to {Lucas} sequences", journal = BAPS, volume = 21, year = 1973, pages = "793-797"} @incollection{Lidl&Muller:1990, key = "Lidl and {M\"uller} 1990", author = "R. Lidl and W. B. {M\"uller}", title = "A note on strong {Fibonacci} pseudoprimes", booktitle = AUSCRYPT90, editor = "J. Seberry and J. Pieprzyk", publisher = SV, series = LNICS, volume = 453, year = 1990, pages = "311-317"} @incollection{Pomerance:1989, key = "Pomerance 1989", author = "C. Pomerance", title = "Two methods in elementary analytic number theory", booktitle = "Number Theory and Applications", editor = "R. A. Mollin", series = "NATO ASI Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences", volume = 265, publisher = "Kluwer", year = 1989, pages = "135-161"} @article{Lind:1967, key = "Lind 1967", author = "D. Lind", title = "Solution to problem {B-93}", journal = FQ, volume = 5, year = 1967, pages = "111-112"} @article{Hoggatt&Bicknell:1974, key = "Hoggatt and Bicknell 1974", author = "Hoggatt, Jr., V. E. and M. Bicknell", title = "Some congruences of the {Fibonacci} numbers modulo a prime $p$", journal = MM, volume = 47, year = 1974, pages = "210-214"} @article{Pollin&Schoenberg:1980, key = "Pollin and Schoenberg 1980", author = "J. M. Pollin and I. J. Schoenberg", title = "On the matrix approach to {Fibonacci} numbers and the {Fibonacci} pseudoprimes", journal = FQ, volume = 18, year = 1980, pages = "261-268"} @article{Arno:1991, key = "Arno 1991", author = "S. Arno", title = "A note on {Perrin} pseudoprimes", journal = MC, volume = 56, year = 1991, pages = "371-376"} @article{Poulet:1938, key = "Poulet 1938", author = "P. Poulet", title = "Table des nombres {compos\'es} verifiant le {th\'eor\`eme} de {Fermat} pour le module 2 {jusqu'\`a} 100.000.000", journal = "Sphinx", volume = 8, year = 1938, pages = "42-52", note = "Errata in {\it Math. Comp.} {\bf 25} (1971), 944--945; {\bf 26} (1972), 814"} @incollection{Muller&Oswald:1991, key = "{M\"uller} and Oswald 1991", author = "W. B. {M\"uller} and A. Oswald", title = "Dickson pseudoprimes and primality testing", booktitle = EUROCRYPT91, editor = "D. W. Davies", series = LNICS, volume = 547, publisher = SV, year = 1991, pages = "512-516"} @article{Wilkins:1950, key = "Wilkins 1950", author = "Wilkins, Jr., J. E.", title = "Solution to problem 4319", journal = AMM, volume = 57, year = 1950, pages = 346} @article{Kowol:1992, key = "Kowol 1992", author = "G. Kowol", title = "On strong {Dickson} pseudoprimes", journal = AAECC, volume = 3, year = 1992, pages = "129-138"} @incollection{Somer:1991, key = "Somer 1991", author = "L. Somer", title = "On even {Fibonacci} pseudoprimes", booktitle = "Applications of Fibonacci Numbers", editor = "G. E. Bergum and A. N. Philippou and A. F. Horadam", volume = 4, publisher = "Kluwer", address = "Boston", year = 1991, pages = "277-288"} @article{Damgard&Landrock&Pomerance:1993, key = "Damg{\aa}rd, Landrock, and Pomerance 1993", author = "I. {Damg{\aa}rd} and P. Landrock and C. Pomerance", title = "Average case error estimates for the strong probable prime test", journal = MC, volume = 61, year = 1993, pages = "177-194"} @article{Bruckman:1994a, key = "Bruckman 1994a", author = "P. S. Bruckman", title = "On the infinitude of {Lucas} pseudoprimes", journal = FQ, volume = 32, year = "{\noopsort{1994a}}1994", pages = "153-154"} @article{Bruckman:1994b, key = "Bruckman 1994b", author = "P. S. Bruckman", title = "Lucas pseudoprimes are odd", journal = FQ, volume = 32, year = "{\noopsort{1994b}}1994", pages = "155-157"} @article{Bruckman:1994c, key = "Bruckman 1994c", author = "P. S. Bruckman", title = "On a conjecture of {Di Porto} and {Filipponi}", journal = FQ, volume = 32, year = "{\noopsort{1994c}}1994", pages = "158-159"} @unpublished{Bleichenbacher&Maurer:1994, key = "Bleichenbacher and Maurer 1994", author = "D. Bleichenbacher and U. Maurer", title = "Finding all strong pseudoprimes $\leq x$", note = "Unpublished manuscript", year = 1994} @article{White&Hunt&Dresel:1977, key = "White, Hunt, and Dresel 1977", author = "D. J. White and J. N. Hunt and L. A. G. Dresel", title = "Uniform {Huffman} sequences do not exist", journal = BLMS, volume = 9, year = 1977, pages = "193-198"} @article{DiPorto:1993, key = "Di Porto 1993", author = "Porto, A. Di", title = "Nonexistence of even {Fibonacci} pseudoprimes of the 1st kind", journal = FQ, volume = 31, year = 1993, pages = "173-177"} @article{Arnault:1995, key = "Arnault 1995", author = "F. Arnault", title = "{Rabin-Miller} primality test: composite numbers which pass it", journal = MC, volume = 64, year = 1995, pages = "355-361"} @article{Arnault:1995b, key = "Arnault 1995b", author = "F. Arnault", title = "Constructing {Carmichael} numbers which are strong pseudoprimes to several bases", journal = JSC, volume = 20, year = "{\noopsort{1995b}}1995", pages = "151-161"} @incollection{Damgard&Landrock:1993, key = "Damg{\aa}rd and Landrock 1993", author = "I. Damg{\aa}rd and P. Landrock", title = "Improved bounds for the {Rabin} primality test", editor = "M. J. Ganley", booktitle = "Cryptography and Coding III", publisher = "Clarendon Press", address = "Oxford", year = 1991, pages = "117-128"} @phdthesis{Burthe:1995, key = "Burthe 1995", author = "Burthe, Jr., R. J.", title = "The Average Witness is $2$", school = "University of Georgia", year = 1995} @unpublished{Mo&Jones:1995, key = "Mo and Jones 1995", author = "Z. Mo and J. P. Jones", title = "A new primality test using {Lucas} sequences", year = 1995, note = "Unpublished manuscript"} @incollection{Matthews:1994, key = "Matthews 1994", author = "R. Matthews", title = "Strong pseudoprimes and generalized {Carmichael} numbers", booktitle = "Finite Fields: Theory, Applications, and Algorithms", series = "Contemporary Mathematics", volume = 168, publisher = AMS, year = 1994, editor = "G. L. Mullen and P. J.-S. Shiue", pages = "227-233"} @article{Gerlach:1994, key = "Gerlach 1994", author = "H. W. Gerlach", title = "A note on closure properties of sets of false witnesses", journal = NZJM, volume = 23, year = 1994, pages = "57-64"} @article{Andre-Jeannin:1996, key = "{Andr\'e-Jeannin} 1996", author = "R. {Andr\'e-Jeannin}", title = "On the existence of even {Fibonacci} pseudoprimes with parameters {$P$} and {$Q$}", journal = FQ, volume = 34, year = 1996, pages = "75-78"}