@inproceedings{Lickteig&Volger:1987, key = "Lickteig and Volger 1987", author = "T. Lickteig and H. Volger", title = "Some results on the complexity of powers", booktitle = "Computation Theory and Logic", editor = "E. {B\"orger}", series = LNICS, number = 270, year = 1987, pages = "249-255"} @article{Volger:1985, key = "Volger 1985", author = "H. Volger", title = "Some results on addition/subtraction chains", journal = IPL, volume = 20, year = 1985, pages = "155-160"} @book{Datta&Singh:1935, key = "Datta and Singh 1935", author = "B. Datta and A. N. Singh", title = "History of Hindu Mathematics, Part I", publisher = "Motilal Banarsi Das", address = "Lahore", year = 1935} @book{Datta&Singh:1938, key = "Datta and Singh 1938", author = "B. Datta and A. N. Singh", title = "History of Hindu Mathematics, Part {II}", publisher = "Motilal Banarsi Das", address = "Lahore", year = 1938} @article{Fateman:1974a, key = "Fateman 1974a", author = "R. J. Fateman", title = "Polynomial multiplication, powers, and asymptotic analysis: some comments", journal = SIAMJC, volume = 3, year = "{\noopsort{1974a}}1974", pages = "196-213"} @article{Fateman:1974b, key = "Fateman 1974b", author = "R. J. Fateman", title = "On the computation of powers of sparse polynomials", journal = SAM, volume = 53, year = "{\noopsort{1974b}}1974", pages = "145-155"} @article{McCarthy:1977, key = "McCarthy 1977", author = "D. P. McCarthy", title = "The optimal algorithm to evaluate $x^n$ using elementary multiplication methods", journal = MC, volume = 31, year = 1977, pages = "251-256"} @article{Gentleman:1972, key = "Gentleman 1972", author = "W. M. Gentleman", title = "Optimal multiplication chains for computing a power of a symbolic polynomial", journal = MC, volume = 26, year = 1972, pages = "935-939"} @article{McCarthy:1986, key = "McCarthy 1986", author = "D. P. McCarthy", title = "Effect of improved multiplication efficiency on exponentiation algorithms derived from addition chains", journal = MC, volume = 46, year = 1986, pages = "603-608"} @incollection{Orup&Kornerup:1991, key = "Orup and Kornerup 1991", author = "H. Orup and P. Kornerup", title = "A high-radix hardware algorithm for calculating the exponential {$M^E$} modulo {$N$}", booktitle = "Proc. 10th IEEE Symp. Comp. Arith.", editor = "P. Kornerup and D. W. Matula", publisher = "IEEE Computer Society Press", year = 1991, pages = "51-56"} @incollection{Yacobi:1991a, key = "Yacobi 1991a", author = "Y. Yacobi", title = "Exponentiating faster with addition chains", booktitle = EUROCRYPT90, editor = "I. B. {Damg\aa rd}", series = LNICS, volume = 473, year = "{\noopsort{1991a}}1991", pages = "222-229", publisher = SV} @article{Schonhage:1975, key = "{Sch\"onhage} 1975", author = "A. {Sch\"onhage}", title = "A lower bound for the length of addition chains", journal = TCS, volume = 1, year = 1975, pages = "1-12"} @article{Bergeron.et.al:1989, key = "Bergeron, Berstel, Brlek, and Duboc 1989", author = "F. Bergeron and J. Berstel and S. Brlek and C. Duboc", title = "Addition chains using continued fractions", journal = JA, volume = 10, year = 1989, pages = "403-412"} @article{Pippenger:1980, key = "Pippenger 1980", author = "N. Pippenger", title = "On the evaluation of powers and monomials", journal = SIAMJC, volume = 9, year = 1980, pages = "230-250"} @incollection{Subbarao:1989, key = "Subbarao 1989", author = "M. V. Subbarao", title = "Addition chains -- some results and problems", booktitle = "Number Theory and Applications", editor = "R. A. Mollin", series = "NATO ASI Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences", volume = 265, publisher = "Kluwer", year = 1989, pages = "555-574"} @article{Brlek&Casteran&Habsieger&Mallette:1995, key = "Brlek, {Cast\'eran}, Habsieger and Mallette 1993", author = "S. Brlek and P. {Cast\'eran} and L. Habsieger and R. Mallette", title = "On-line evaluation of powers using {Euclid's} algorithm", journal = RAIRO, volume = 29, year = 1995, pages = "431-450"} @incollection{Sauerbrey&Dietel:1993, key = "Sauerbrey and Dietel 1993", author = "J. Sauerbrey and A. Dietel", title = "Resource requirements for the application of addition chains in modulo exponentiation", booktitle = EUROCRYPT92, editor = "R. A. Rueppel", series = LNICS, volume = 658, year = 1993, publisher = SV, pages = "174-182"} @article{Bergeron&Berstel&Brlek:1994, key = "Bergeron, Berstel, and Brlek 1994", author = "F. Bergeron and J. Berstel and S. Brlek", title = "Efficient computation of addition chains", journal = JTNB, volume = 6, year = 1994, pages = "21-38"}