@inproceedings{Brickell:1983, key = "Brickell 1983", author = "E. Brickell", title = "A Fast Modular Multiplication Algorithm with Application to Two Key Cryptography", booktitle = CRYPTO82, publisher = "Plenum Press", address = NY, editor = "D. Chaum and R. L. Rivest and A. T. Sherman", pages = "51-60", year = 1983} @article{Norris&Simmons:1981, key = "Norris and Simmons 1981", author = "M. J. Norris and G. J. Simmons", title = "Algorithms for High-Speed Modular Arithmetic", journal = CN, volume = 31, year = 1981, pages = "153-163"} @inproceedings{Kannan&Miller&Rudolph:1984, key = "Kannan and Miller and Rudolph 1984", author = "R. Kannan and G. L. Miller and L. Rudolph", title = "Sublinear Parallel Algorithm for Computing the Greatest Common Divisor of Two Integers", booktitle = FOCS84, year = 1984, pages = "7-11"} @inproceedings{vonzurGathen:1984a, key = "von zur Gathen 1984a", author = "Gathen, J. von zur", title = "Parallel Powering", booktitle = FOCS84, pages = "31-36", year = "{\noopsort{1984a}}1984"} @article{vonzurGathen:1984b, key = "von zur Gathen 1984b", author = "Gathen, J. von zur", title = "Parallel algorithms for algebraic problems", journal = SIAMJC, volume = 13, pages = "802-824", year = "{\noopsort{1984b}}1984"} @unpublished{vonzurGathen:1988, key = "von zur Gathen 1988", author = "Gathen, J. von zur", title = "Inversion in finite fields using logarithmic depth", note = "Manuscript", year = 1988} @article{Wunderlich:1985, key = "Wunderlich 1985", author = "M. C. Wunderlich", title = "Implementing the continued fraction factoring algorithm on parallel machines", journal = MC, volume = 44, year = 1985, pages = "251-260"} @article{Caron&Silverman:1988, key = "Caron and Silverman 1988", author = "T. R. Caron and R. D. Silverman", title = "Parallel implementation of the quadratic sieve", journal = JS, volume = 1, year = 1988, pages = "273-290"} @inproceedings{Lehmer:1976a, key = "D. H. Lehmer 1976a", author = "D. H. Lehmer", title = "Exploitation of parallelism in number theoretic and combinatorial computation", booktitle = "Proc. 5th Manitoba Conf. on Numer. Math.", year = 1976, pages = "95-111"} @inproceedings{Silverman:1988, key = "Silverman 1988", author = "R. D. Silverman", title = "Factoring large integers in parallel", booktitle = "ICS 88; Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Supercomputing", volume = 2, year = 1988, editor = "L. P. Kartashev and S. I. Kartashev", pages = "488-497", comment = "quadratic sieve"} @article{Wunderlich&Williams:1987, key = "Wunderlich and Williams 1987", author = "M. C. Wunderlich and H. C. Williams", title = "A parallel version of the continued fraction integer factoring algorithm", journal = JS, volume = 1, year = 1987, pages = "217-230"} @article{Parkinson&Wunderlich:1984, key = "Parkinson and Wunderlich 1984", author = "D. Parkinson and M. Wunderlich", title = "A compact algorithm for {Gaussian} elimination over {$GF(2)$} implemented on highly parallel computers", journal = PC, volume = 1, year = 1984, pages = "65-73"} @article{Silverman:1990, key = "Silverman 1990", author = "R. D. Silverman", title = "Parallel polynomial arithmetic over finite rings", journal = JPDC, volume = 10, year = 1990, pages = "265-270"} @article{Cosnard&Duprat&Robert:1990, key = "Cosnard, Duprat, and Robert 1990", author = "M. Cosnard and J. Duprat and Y. Robert", title = "Systolic triangularization over finite fields", journal = JPDC, volume = 9, year = 1990, pages = "252-260"} @article{Morrison:1988, key = "J. Morrison 1988", author = "J. F. Morrison", title = "Parallel $p$-adic computation", journal = IPL, volume = 28, year = 1988, pages = "137-140"} @article{Zeugmann:1989, key = "Zeugmann 1989", author = "T. Zeugmann", title = "Improved parallel computations in the ring {$\Zee/p^{\alpha}$}", journal = JIPC, volume = 25, year = 1989, pages = "543-547"} @article{Zeugmann:1992, key = "Zeugmann 1992", author = "T. Zeugmann", title = "Highly parallel computations modulo a number having only small prime factors", journal = IC, volume = 96, year = 1992, pages = "95-114"} @article{Litow:1992, key = "Litow 1992", author = "B. Litow", title = "On iterated integer product", journal = IPL, volume = 42, year = 1992, pages = "269-272"} @inproceedings{Adleman&Kompella:1988, key = "Adleman and Kompella 1988", author = "L. M. Adleman and K. Kompella", title = "Using smoothness to achieve parallelism", booktitle = STOC88, year = 1988, pages = "528-538"} @article{Cook:1985, key = "Cook 1985", author = "S. A. Cook", title = "A taxonomy of problems with fast parallel algorithms", journal = ICTRL, volume = 64, year = 1985, pages = "2-22"} @article{vonzurGathen:1987b, key = "von zur Gathen 1987b", author = "Gathen, J. von zur", title = "Computing powers in parallel", journal = SIAMJC, volume = 16, year = "{\noopsort{1987b}}1987", pages = "930-945"} @book{Leighton:1992, key = "Leighton 1992", author = "F. T. Leighton", title = "Introduction to Parallel Algorithms and Architectures: Arrays, Trees, Hypercubes", publisher = "Morgan Kaufmann", year = 1992} @incollection{Karp&Ramachandran:1990, key = "Karp and Ramachandran 1990", author = "R. M. Karp and V. Ramachandran", title = "Parallel algorithms for shared-memory machines", booktitle = "Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science", volume = "A: Algorithms and Complexity", publisher = MIT, year = 1990, editor = "Leeuwen, J. van", pages = "869-941"}