@article{Merkle&Hellman:1978, key = "Merkle and Hellman 1978", author = "R. C. Merkle and M. E. Hellman", title = "Hiding Information and Signatures in Trapdoor Knapsacks", journal = IEEE-IT, volume = "IT-24", year = 1978, pages = "525-530"} @inproceedings{Shamir:1982, key = "Shamir 1982", author = "A. Shamir", title = "A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Breaking the Basic {Merkle-Hellman} Cryptosystem", booktitle = FOCS82, year = 1982, pages = ""} @inproceedings{Lagarias&Odlyzko:1983, key = "Lagarias and Odlyzko 1983", author = "J. C. Lagarias and A. M. Odlyzko", title = "Solving Low-Density Subset Sum Problems", booktitle = FOCS83, year = 1983, pages = "1-10"} @article{Odlyzko:1984b, key = "Odlyzko 1984b", author = "A. M. Odlyzko", title = "Cryptanalytic Attacks on the Multiplicative Knapsack Cryptosystem and on {Shamir's} Fast Signature Scheme", journal = IEEE-IT, volume = "IT-30", year = 1984, pages = "594-601"} @incollection{Qu&Vanstone:1994, key = "Qu and Vanstone 1994", author = "M. Qu and S. A. Vanstone", title = "The knapsack problem in cryptography", booktitle = "Finite Fields: Theory, Applications, and Algorithms", series = "Contemporary Mathematics", volume = 168, publisher = AMS, year = 1994, editor = "G. L. Mullen and P. J.-S. Shiue", pages = "291-308"}