@techreport{Kannan:1989, key = "Kannan 1989", author = "R. Kannan", title = "Solution of the {Frobenius} problem", institution = "Carnegie-Mellon University, Dept. of Computer Science", number = "CMU-CS-89-204", month = "November", year = "1989", note = "Extended abstract in C. E. Veni Madhavan, ed., {\it Proc. 9th Conf. Found. Software Tech. Theor. Comput. Sci.}, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.~405, pp.~242--251"} @article{Sertoz&Ozluk:1986, key = "{Sert\"oz} and {\"Ozl\"uk} 1986", author = "S. {Sert\"oz} and A. E. {\"Ozl\"uk}", title = "On a {Diophantine} problem of {Frobenius}", journal = "Bull. Tech. Univ. Istanbul", volume = 39, year = 1986, pages = "41-51"} @article{Incerpi&Sedgewick:1985, key = "Incerpi and Sedgewick 1985", author = "J. Incerpi and R. Sedgewick", title = "Improved upper bounds on shellsort", journal = JCSS, volume = 31, year = 1985, pages = "210-224"} @article{Selmer:1977, key = "Selmer 1977", author = "E. S. Selmer", title = "On the linear diophantine problem of {Frobenius}", journal = JFRAM, volume = "293/294", year = 1977, pages = "1-17"} @article{Rodseth:1978, key = "{R\"odseth} 1978", author = "{\"O.} J. {R\"odseth}", title = "On a linear {Diophantine} problem of {Frobenius}", journal = JFRAM, volume = 301, year = 1978, pages = "171-178"} @article{Wilf:1978, key = "Wilf 1978", author = "H. S. Wilf", title = "A circle-of-lights algorithm for the {``money-changing problem''}", journal = AMM, volume = 85, year = 1978, pages = "562-565"} @article{Nijenhuis:1979, key = "Nijenhuis 1979", author = "A. Nijenhuis", title = "A minimal-path algorithm for the {``money changing problem''}", journal = AMM, volume = 86, year = 1979, pages = "832-835", note = "Correction in {\it Amer. Math. Monthly} {\bf 87} (1980) 377"} @article{Selmer&Beyer:1978, key = "Selmer and Beyer 1978", author = "E. S. Selmer and {\"O.} Beyer", title = "On the linear diophantine problem of {Frobenius} in three variables", journal = JFRAM, volume = 301, year = 1978, pages = "161-170"} @article{Huang:1981, key = "Huang 1981", author = "H.-S. Huang", title = "An algorithm for the solution of a linear diophantine problem of {Frobenius}", journal = CHJM, volume = 9, year = 1981, pages = "67-74"} @article{Greenberg:1980, key = "Greenberg 1980", author = "H. Greenberg", title = "An algorithm for a linear diophantine equation and a problem of {Frobenius}", journal = NM, volume = 34, year = 1980, pages = "349-352"} @article{Selmer:1989, key = "Selmer 1989", author = "E. S. Selmer", title = "On shellsort and the {Frobenius} problem", journal = BIT, volume = 29, year = 1989, pages = "37-40"} @article{Brauer&Seelbinder:1954, key = "Brauer and Seelbinder 1954", author = "A. Brauer and B. M. Seelbinder", title = "On a problem of partions {II}", journal = AJM, volume = 76, year = 1954, pages = "343-346"} @article{Brauer:1942, key = "Brauer 1942", author = "A. Brauer", title = "On a problem of partitions", journal = AJM, volume = 64, year = 1942, pages = "299-312"} @article{Brauer&Shockley:1962, key = "Brauer and Shockley 1962", author = "A. Brauer and J. E. Shockley", title = "On a problem of {Frobenius}", journal = JFRAM, volume = 211, year = 1962, pages = "215-220"} @article{Johnson:1960, key = "S. Johnson 1960", author = "S. M. Johnson", title = "A linear diophantine problem", journal = CJM, volume = 12, year = 1960, pages = "390-398"} @article{Roberts:1956, key = "Roberts 1956", author = "J. B. Roberts", title = "Note on linear forms", journal = PAMS, volume = 7, year = 1956, pages = "465-469"} @article{Roberts:1957, key = "Roberts 1957", author = "J. B. Roberts", title = "On a diophantine problem", journal = CJM, volume = 9, year = 1957, pages = "219-222"} @article{Bateman:1958, key = "Bateman 1958", author = "P. T. Bateman", title = "Remark on a recent note on linear forms", journal = AMM, volume = 65, year = 1958, pages = "517-518"} @article{Heap&Lynn:1965, key = "Heap and Lynn 1965", author = "B. R. Heap and M. S. Lynn", title = "On a linear diophantine problem of {Frobenius}: an improved algorithm", journal = NM, volume = 7, year = 1965, pages = "226-231"} @article{Heap&Lynn:1964, key = "Heap and Lynn 1964", author = "B. R. Heap and M. S. Lynn", title = "A graph-theoretic algorithm for the solution of a linear diophantine problem of {Frobenius}", journal = NM, volume = 6, year = 1964, pages = "346-354"} @article{Lewin:1975, key = "Lewin 1975", author = "M. Lewin", title = "An algorithm for a solution of a problem of {Frobenius}", journal = JFRAM, volume = 276, year = 1975, pages = "68-82"} @article{Nijenhuis&Wilf:1972, key = "Nijenhuis and Wilf 1972", author = "A. Nijenhuis and H. S. Wilf", title = "Representations of integers by linear forms in nonnegative integers", journal = JNT, volume = 4, year = 1972, pages = "98-106"} @article{Sedgewick:1986, key = "Sedgewick 1986", author = "R. Sedgewick", title = "A new upper bound for shellsort", journal = JA, volume = 7, year = 1986, pages = "159-173"} @article{Piehler:1987, key = "Piehler 1987", author = "J. Piehler", title = "Bemerkungen zum {Frobenius-Problem}", journal = "Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift TH Leuna-Merseburg", volume = 29, year = 1987, pages = "496-502"} @article{Byrnes:1974, key = "Byrnes 1974", author = "J. S. Byrnes", title = "On a partition problem of {Frobenius}", journal = JCTA, volume = 17, year = 1974, pages = "162-166"} @article{Byrnes:1975, key = "Byrnes 1975", author = "J. S. Byrnes", title = "On a partition problem of {Frobenius, II}", journal = AA, volume = 28, year = 1975, pages = "81-87"} @article{Clarke:1977, key = "Clarke 1977", author = "J. H. Clarke", title = "Conditions for the solution of a linear {Diophantine} equation", journal = NZMM, volume = 14, year = 1977, pages = "45-47"} @article{Dulmage&Mendelsohn:1964, key = "Dulmage and Mendelsohn 1964", author = "A. L. Dulmage and N. S. Mendelsohn", title = "Gaps in the exponent set of primitive matrices", journal = IJM, volume = 8, year = 1964, pages = "642-656"} @article{Ehrhart:1979, key = "Ehrhart 1979", author = "E. Ehrhart", year = 1979, title = "Sur les {\'equations} diophantiennes {lin\'eaires}", journal = CRASP, volume = 288, pages = "A785-A787"} @article{Erdos&Graham:1972, key = "{Erd{\H{o}}s} and Graham 1972", author = "P. {Erd{\H{o}}s} and R. L. Graham", title = "On a linear diophantine problem of Frobenius", journal = AA, volume = 21, year = 1972, pages = "399-408"} @article{Goldberg:1976, key = "Goldberg 1976", author = "E. L. Goldberg", title = "On a linear diophantine equation", journal = AA, volume = 31, year = 1976, pages = "239-246"} @article{Hofmeister:1966, key = "Hofmeister 1966", author = "G. R. Hofmeister", title = "Zu einem {Problem} von {Frobenius}", journal = "Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskabs Skrifter 1966", number = 5, year = 1966, pages = "1-37"} @article{Israilov:1981, key = "Israilov 1981", author = "M. I. Israilov", title = "Numbers of solutions of linear diophantine equations and their applications in the theory of invariant cubature formulas", journal = "Sibirskii Matematicheskii Zhurnal", volume = 22, year = 1981, pages = "121-136", note = "English translation in {\it Siberian Mathematical Journal}, {\bf 22} (1981) 260--273"} @article{Lewin:1972, key = "Lewin 1972", author = "M. Lewin", title = "A bound for a solution of a linear diophantine problem", journal = JLMS, volume = 6, year = 1972, pages = "61-69"} @article{Lewin:1973, key = "Lewin 1973", author = "M. Lewin", title = "On a linear diophantine problem", journal = BLMS, volume = 5, year = 1973, pages = "75-78"} @article{Lex:1977, key = "Lex 1977", author = "W. Lex", title = "{\"Uber L\"osungsanzahlen} linearer diophantischer {Gleichungen}", journal = "Mathematisch-physikalische Semesterberichte", volume = 24, year = 1977, pages = "254-279"} @incollection{Mendelsohn:1970, key = "Mendelsohn 1970", author = "N. S. Mendelsohn", title = "A linear diophantine equation with applications to non-negative matrices", booktitle = "Proceedings International Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics", editor = "A. Gewirtz and L. V. Quintas", year = 1970, note = "Annals of the NY Academy of Sciences {\bf 175} (1970), 287--294"} @techreport{Milanov:1984, key = "Milanov 1984", author = "P. B. Milanov", title = "Polynomial solvability of some linear diophantine equations in nonnegative integers", institution = "Institute of Mathematics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia", year = 1984} @article{Rodseth:1979, key = "{R\"odseth} 1979", author = "{\"O. J. R\"odseth}", title = "On a linear diophantine problem of {Frobenius}. {II}", journal = JFRAM, volume = "307/308", year = 1979, pages = "431-440"} @article{Siering:1974, key = "Siering 1974", author = "E. Siering", title = "{\"Uber lineare Formen und ein Problem von Frobenius. I}", journal = JFRAM, volume = 271, year = 1974, pages = "177-202"} @article{Vitek:1975, key = "Vitek 1975", author = "Y. Vitek", title = "Bounds for a linear diophantine problem of {Frobenius}", journal = JLMS, volume = 10, year = 1975, pages = "79-85"} @article{Vitek:1976, key = "Vitek 1976", author = "Y. Vitek", title = "Bounds for a linear diophantine problem of {Frobenius}, {II}", journal = CJM, volume = 28, year = 1976, pages = "1280-1288"} @article{Tsang:1988, key = "Tsang 1988", author = "K.-M. Tsang", title = "On the linear diophantine problem of {Frobenius}", journal = "Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica", volume = 23, year = 1988, pages = "443-452"} @article{Dixmier:1990, key = "Dixmier 1990", author = "J. Dixmier", title = "Proof of a conjecture by {Erd\"os} and {Graham} concerning the problem of {Frobenius}", journal = JNT, volume = 34, year = 1990, pages = "198-209"} @incollection{Chrzastowski-Wachtel&Raczunas:1993, key = "Chrzastowski-Wachtel and Raczunas 1993", author = "P. Chrzastowski-Wachtel and M. Raczunas", title = "Liveness of weighted circuits and the {Diophantine} problem of {Frobenius}", booktitle = FCT93, editor = "{Zolt\'an} {\'Esik}", series = LNICS, volume = 710, year = 1993, publisher = SV, address = NYC, pages = "171-180"} @article{Knight:1980, key = "Knight 1980", author = "M. J. Knight", title = "A generalization of a result of {Sylvester's}", journal = JNT, volume = 12, year = 1980, pages = "364-366"} @article{Hujter&Vizvari:1987, key = "Hujter and Vizvari 1987", author = "M. Hujter and B. Vizvari", title = "The exact solutions to the {Frobenius} problem with three variables", journal = JRMS, volume = 2, year = 1987, pages = "117-143"}