@inproceedings{Greenberg&Weiss:1984, key = "Greenberg and Weiss 1984", author = "A. G. Greenberg and A. Weiss", title = "A lower bound for probabilistic algorithms for finite state machines", booktitle = FOCS84, year = 1984, pages = "323-331"} @inproceedings{Freivalds:1981, key = "Freivalds 1981", author = "R. Freivalds", title = "Probabilistic two-way machines", booktitle = "Proc. Int. Symp. Math. Found. Comp. Sci.", editor = "J. Gruska and M. Chytil", series = LNICS, volume = 118, year = 1981, publisher = SV, pages = "33-45"} @article{Turing:1936, key = "Turing 1936", author = "A. M. Turing", title = "On computable numbers, with an application to the {Entscheidungsproblem}", journal = PLMS, volume = 42, year = 1936, pages = "230-265", comment = "For corrigenda, see {\bf 43} (1937) 544-546"} @article{Kleene:1987, key = "Kleene 1987", author = "S. C. Kleene", title = "Reflections on {Church's} thesis", journal = NDJFL, volume = 28, year = 1987, pages = "490-498"} @article{Davis:1973, key = "M. Davis 1973", author = "M. Davis", title = "Hilbert's tenth problem is unsolvable", journal = AMM, volume = 80, year = 1973, pages = "233-269"} @book{Davis:1965, key = "M. Davis 1965", author = "M. Davis", title = "The Undecidable", publisher = "Raven Press", address = NY, year = 1965} @article{Knuth:1976a, key = "Knuth 1976a", author = "D. E. Knuth", title = "Big omicron and big omega and big theta", journal = SIGACT, volume = 8, number = 2, year = 1976, month = "Apr.-June", pages = "18-24"} @article{Plaisted:1978, key = "Plaisted 1978", author = "D. A. Plaisted", title = "Some polynomial and integer divisibility problems are {$NP$-hard}", journal = SIAMJC, volume = 7, year = 1978, pages = "458-464"} @article{Plaisted:1984, key = "Plaisted 1984", author = "D. A. Plaisted", title = "New {$NP$-hard} and {$NP$-complete} polynomial and integer divisibility problems", journal = TCS, volume = 31, year = 1984, pages = "125-138"} @article{Plaisted:1977, key = "Plaisted 1977", author = "D. A. Plaisted", title = "Sparse complex polynomials and polynomial reducibility", journal = JCSS, volume = 14, year = 1977, pages = "210-221"} @article{Heath:1990, key = "L. Heath 1990", author = "L. S. Heath", title = "Covering a set with arithmetic progressions is {NP}-complete", journal = IPL, volume = 34, year = 1990, pages = "293-298"} @techreport{Stockmeyer:1976, author = "L. J. Stockmeyer", key = "Stockmeyer 1976", title = "Arithmetic versus {B}oolean operations in idealized register machines", institution = "Math. Dept., IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center", number = "RC 5954", year = 1976, month = "January"} @article{Fraenkel&Yesha:1979, key = "Fraenkel and Yesha 1979", author = "A. S. Fraenkel and Y. Yesha", title = "Complexity of problems in games, graphs and algebraic equations", journal = DAM, volume = 1, year = 1979, pages = "15-30"} @article{Fraenkel&Yesha:1980, key = "Fraenkel and Yesha 1980", author = "A. S. Fraenkel and Y. Yesha", title = "Complexity of solving algebraic equations", journal = IPL, volume = 10, year = 1980, pages = "178-179"} @article{Plaisted:1985, key = "Plaisted 1985", author = "D. A. Plaisted", title = "Complete divisibility problems for slowly utilized oracles", journal = TCS, volume = 35, year = 1985, pages = "245-260"} @article{Michel:1992, key = "Michel 1992", author = "P. Michel", title = "A survey of space complexity", journal = TCS, volume = 101, year = 1992, pages = "99-132"}