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Graham, Yao, and Yao 1978", author = "R. L. Graham and A. C.-C. Yao and F.-F. Yao", title = "Addition chains with multiplicative cost", journal = DM, volume = 23, year = 1978, pages = "115-119"} @article{Kannan&Lipton:1986, key = "Kannan and Lipton 1986", author = "R. Kannan and R. J. Lipton", title = "Polynomial-time algorithm for the orbit problem", journal = JACM, volume = 33, year = 1986, pages = "808-821"} @article{Collins&Reddy&Sloane:1978, key = "S. Collins, Reddy, and Sloane 1978", author = "S. Collins and S. M. Reddy and N. J. A. Sloane", title = "Elementary Problem 2704", journal = AMM, volume = 85, year = 1978, pages = "198"} @article{Ecker:1979, key = "Ecker 1979", author = "M. W. Ecker", title = "Elementary Problem 2773", journal = AMM, volume = 86, year = 1979, pages = "393"} @article{Euler:1761, key = "Euler 1761", author = "L. Euler", title = "Theoremata circa residua ex divisione potestatum relicta", journal = NCASP, volume = "7 {\rm (1758/9)}", year = "1761", pages = "49-82", note = "Reprinted in {\it Opera Omnia}, Ser.~1, Vol.~2, pp.~493--518"} @article{Blakley&Borosh:1983, key = "Blakley and Borosh 1983", author = "G. R. Blakley and I. Borosh", title = "Modular arithmetic of iterated powers", journal = CMA, volume = 9, year = 1983, pages = "567-581"} @article{Dawson:1994, key = "Dawson 1994", author = "R. J. M. Dawson", title = "Towers of powers modulo $m$", journal = CMJ, volume = 25, year = 1994, pages = "22-28"} @article{Radke:1970, key = "Radke 1970", author = "C. E. Radke", title = "The use of quadratic residue research", journal = CACM, volume = 13, year = 1970, pages = "103-105"} @article{Maurer:1968, key = "W. Maurer 1968", author = "W. D. 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Pippenger", title = "On the evaluation of powers and related problems", booktitle = FOCS76, year = 1976, pages = "258-263"} @article{Semba:1983, key = "Semba 1983", author = "I. Semba", title = "Systematic method for determining the number of multiplications required to compute $x^m$, where $m$ is a positive integer", journal = JIP, volume = 6, year = 1983, pages = "31-33"} @article{Scholz:1937, key = "Scholz 1937", author = "A. Scholz", title = "Aufgabe 253", journal = JDMV, volume = 47, year = 1937, pages = "Supplement, pp. 41-42"} @article{Allouche&Shallit:1992, key = "Allouche and Shallit 1992", author = "J.-P. Allouche and J. O. Shallit", title = "The ring of $k$--regular sequences", journal = TCS, volume = 98, year = 1992, pages = "163-187"} @article{Gioia&Subbarao&Sugunama:1962, key = "Gioia, Subbarao, and Sugunama 1962", author = "A. A. Gioia and M. V. Subbarao and M. Sugunama", title = "The {Scholz-Brauer} problem in addition chains", journal = DMJ, volume = 29, year = 1962, pages = "481-487"} @article{Thurber:1976, key = "Thurber 1976", author = "E. G. Thurber", title = "Addition chains and solutions of $\ell(2n) = \ell(n)$ and $\ell(2^n-1) = n + \ell(n) - 1$", journal = DM, volume = 16, year = 1976, pages = "279-289"} @article{Thurber:1973a, key = "Thurber 1973a", author = "E. G. Thurber", title = "The {Scholz-Brauer} problem on addition chains", journal = PJM, volume = 49, year = "{\noopsort{1973a}}1973", pages = "229-242"} @article{Thurber:1973b, key = "Thurber 1973b", author = "E. G. Thurber", title = "On addition chains $\ell(mn) \leq \ell(n) - b$ and lower bounds for $c(r)$", journal = DMJ, volume = 40, year = "{\noopsort{1973b}}1973", pages = "907-913"} @article{Cottrell:1973, key = "Cottrell 1973", author = "A. 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Rueppel", series = LNICS, volume = 658, year = 1993, publisher = SV, pages = "200-207"} @incollection{Iwamura&Matsumoto&Imai:1993a, key = "Iwamura, Matsumoto, and Imai 1993a", author = "K. Iwamura and T. Matsumoto and H. Imai", title = "Systolic-arrays for modular exponentiation using {Montgomery} method", booktitle = EUROCRYPT92, editor = "R. A. Rueppel", series = LNICS, volume = 658, year = "{\noopsort{1993a}}1993", publisher = SV, pages = "477-481"} @inproceedings{Kawamura&Hirano:1988, key = "Kawamura and Hirano 1988", author = "S.-I. Kawamura and K. Hirano", title = "A fast modular arithmetic algorithm using a residue table", booktitle = EUROCRYPT88, volume = 330, series = LNICS, publisher = SV, editor = "C. G. {G\"unther}", year = 1988, pages = "245-250"} @phdthesis{CooperA:1926, key = "A. Cooper 1926", author = "A. E. Cooper", title = "A Topical History of the Theory of Quadratic Residues", month = "June", year = 1926, school = "University of Chicago"} @article{Aiello&Subbarao:1993, key = "Aiello and Subbarao 1993", author = "W. Aiello and M. V. Subbarao", title = "A conjecture in addition chains related to {Scholz}'s conjecture", journal = MC, volume = 61, year = 1993, pages = "17-23; S1-S6"} @article{LenstraHW:1993, key = "H. W. Lenstra 1993", author = "Lenstra, Jr., H. W.", title = "Generating units modulo an odd integer by addition and subtraction", journal = AA, volume = 64, year = 1993, pages = "383-388"} @article{Lagrange:1771, key = "Lagrange 1771", author = "J. L. Lagrange", title = "{D\'emonstration} d'un {th\'eor\`eme} nouveau concernant les nombres premiers", journal = "Nouveaux {M\'emoires} de l'{Acad\'emie} Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres de Berlin", year = 1771, pages = "125-137", note = "Reprinted in {\it Oeuvres}, Vol.~3, 1869, pp.~425-438"} @article{Egecioglu&Koc:1994, key = "{{E\~{g}ecio\~{g}lu} and Ko{\c c} 1990}", author = "O. {\noopsort{Egecioglu}}{E\~{g}ecio\~{g}lu} and C. K. Ko{\c c}", title = "Exponentiation using canonical recoding", journal = TCS, year = 1994, volume = 129, pages = "407-417"} @unpublished{deMelo&Svaiter:1995, key = "de Melo and Svaiter 1995", author = "Melo, W. de and Svaiter, B. F.", title = "The cost of computing integers", note = "To appear, {\it Proc.\ Amer.\ Math.\ Soc.}", year = 1995} @article{Thurber:1993, key = "Thurber 1993", author = "E. G. Thurber", title = "Addition chains -- an erratic sequence", journal = DM, volume = 122, year = 1993, pages = "287-305"} @article{Utz:1953, key = "Utz 1953", author = "W. R. Utz", title = "A note on the {Scholz-Brauer} problem in addition chains", journal = PAMS, volume = 4, year = 1953, pages = "462-463"}