@article{Slot&van.Emde.Boas:1988, key = "Slot and van Emde Boas 1988", author = "C. Slot and P. van Emde Boas", title = "The Problem of Space Invariance for Sequential Machines", journal = IC, volume = 77, pages = "93-122", year = "1988"} @article{Cook&Reckhow:1973, key = "Cook and Reckhow 1973", author = "S. A. Cook and R. A. Reckhow", title = "Time Bounded Random Access Machines", journal = JCSS, volume = 7, pages = "354-375", year = 1973} @article{Katajainen&van.Leeuwen.Penttonen:1988, key = "Katajainen, van Leeuwen, and Penttonen 1988", author = "J. Katajainen and J. van Leeuwen and M. Penttonen", title = "Fast Simulation of {Turing} Machines by Random Access Machines", journal = SIAMJC, volume = 17, pages = "77-88", year = 1988} @incollection{Borodin:1973, key = "Borodin 1973", author = "A. Borodin", title = "Computational complexity: theory and practice", booktitle = "Currents in the Theory of Computing", editor = "A. V. Aho", publisher = PH, year = 1973, pages = "35-89"} % Prentice-Hall @article{Shannon:1948, key = "Shannon 1948", author = "C. E. Shannon", title = "A mathematical theory of communication (part {I})", journal = BSTJ, volume = 27, pages = "379-423", year = 1948} @article{Borwein:1985, key = "Borwein 1985", author = "P. B. Borwein", title = "On the complexity of calculating factorials", journal = JA, volume = 6, pages = "376-380", year = 1985} @article{SchoenhageStrassen:1971, key = "Sch{\"o}nhage and Strassen 1971", author = "A. Sch{\"o}nhage and V. Strassen", title = "Schnelle {Multiplikation} Gro{\ss}er {Zahlen}", journal = COMP, volume = 7, pages = "281-292", year = 1971} @article{Karatsuba&Ofman:1962, key = "Karatsuba and Ofman 1962", author = "A. A. Karatsuba and Y. Ofman", title = "Multiplication of multidigit numbers by automata", journal = DAN, volume = 145, pages = "293-294", year = 1962, note = "English translation in {\it Soviet Physics Doklady} {\bf 7} (1963), 595--596"} @incollection{Maeder:1993, key = "Maeder 1993", author = "R. E. Maeder", title = "Storage allocation for the {Karatsuba} integer multiplication algorithm", booktitle = DISCO93, editor = "A. Miola", series = LNICS, publisher = SV, volume = 722, year = 1993, pages = "59-65"} @article{Turing:1939, key = "Turing 1939", author = "A. M. Turing", title = "Systems of logic based on ordinals", journal = PLMS, volume = 45, pages = "161-228", year = 1939} % Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society (2) @inproceedings{Cook:1971, key = "Cook 1971", author = "S. A. Cook", title = "The Complexity of Theorem-Proving Procedures", booktitle = STOC71, publisher = "ACM Press", year = 1971, pages = "151-158"} @inproceedings{Cook:1973, key = "Cook 1973", author = "S. A. Cook", title = "An Observation on Time-Storage Tradeoff", booktitle = STOC73, publisher = "ACM Press", year = 1973, pages = "29-33"} % more NP-complete number theoretic problems: @article{Eppstein:1987, key = "Eppstein 1987", author = "D. Eppstein", title = "On the {NP-completeness} of cryptarithms", journal = SIGACT, volume = 18, number = 3, pages = "38-40", year = 1987} % Sigact News @techreport{Gurari&Ibarra:1977, key = "Gurari and Ibarra 1977", author = "E. M. Gurari and O. H. Ibarra", title = "An {NP-complete} number-theoretic problem", institution = "University of Minnesota, Computer Science Department", number = "77-12", month = "August", year = 1977} @article{Gurari&Ibarra:1979, key = "Gurari and Ibarra 1979", author = "E. M. Gurari and O. H. Ibarra", title = "An {NP-complete} number-theoretic problem", journal = JACM, volume = 26, year = 1979, pages = "567-581"} @article{Manders&Adleman:1978, key = "Manders and Adleman 1978", title = "{NP-complete} decision problems for binary quadratics", author = "K. L. Manders and L. Adleman", journal = JCSS, volume = 16, year = 1978, pages = "168-184"} % anti-CRT: Stockmeyer and Meyer 1973 @article{Levin:1973, key = "Levin 1973", author = "L. Levin", title = "Universal sequential search problems", journal = PPI, volume = 9, number = 3, pages = "115-116", year = 1973, note = "English translation in {\it Problems of Information Transmission} {\bf 9} (1973), 265--266." } @incollection{von.Neumann:1947, key = "von Neumann 1947", author = "Neumann, J. von", title = "Letter to {R.} {D.} {Richtmyer}, {March} 11, 1947", booktitle = "John von Neumann: Collected Works, vol. V", editor = "A. H. Taub", publisher = PERG, year = "{\noopsort{1947}}1963", pages = "751-764"} @inproceedings{Adleman:1978, key = "Adleman 1978", author = "L. M. Adleman", title = "Two Theorems on Random Polynomial Time", booktitle = FOCS78, publisher = "IEEE Press", year = 1978, pages = "75-83"} @article{Gill:1977, key = "Gill 1977", author = "J. Gill", title = "Computational Complexity of Probabilistic {Turing} Machines", journal = SIAMJC, volume = 6, pages = "675-695", year = 1977} @article{Minsky:1961, key = "Minsky 1961", author = "M. L. Minsky", title = "Recursive unsolvability of {Post's} problem of ``tag'' and other topics in the theory of {Turing} machines", journal = AM, volume = 74, pages = "437-455", year = 1961} @article{Yamada:1962, key = "Yamada 1962", author = "H. Yamada", title = "Real-time computation and recursive functions not real-time computable", journal = IEEE-EC, volume = "EC-11", pages = "753-760", year = 1962} % IEEE Trans. Elect. Comput. @article{Hartmanis&Stearns:1965, key = "Hartmanis and Stearns 1965", author = "J. Hartmanis and R. E. Stearns", title = "On the computational complexity of algorithms", journal = TAMS, volume = 117, pages = "285-306", year = 1965} @incollection{de.Leeuw&Moore&Shannon&Shapiro:1956, key = "de Leeuw, Moore, Shannon, and Shapiro 1956", author = "Leeuw, K. de and E. F. Moore and C. E. Shannon and N. Shapiro", title = "Computability by probabilistic machines", booktitle = "Automata Studies", editor = "C. E. Shannon and J. McCarthy", publisher = PUP, year = 1956, pages = "183-212", comment = "Princeton, Annals of Mathematics Studies #34" } @article{Greibach:1981, key = "Greibach 1981", author = "S. A. Greibach", title = "Formal languages: origins and directions", journal = AHC, volume = 3, pages = "14-41", year = 1981} @book{Garey&Johnson:1979, key = "Garey and Johnson 1979", author = "M. R. Garey and D. S. Johnson", title = "Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of {NP-Completeness}", publisher = FRMN, year = 1979} @incollection{Karp:1972, key = "Karp 1972", author = "R. M. Karp", title = "Reducibility among combinatorial problems", booktitle = "Complexity of Computer Computations", editor = "R. E. Miller and J. W. Thatcher", publisher = PLNM, year = 1972, pages = "85-103"} @article{Johnson:1984, key = "D. Johnson 1984", author = "D. S. Johnson", title = "The {NP-completeness} column: an ongoing guide", journal = JA, volume = 5, pages = "433-447", year = 1984} @unpublished{Finn:1982a, key = "Finn 1982a", author = "J. Finn", title = "Comparison of Probabilistic Tests for Primality", note = "Unpublished manuscript, undated, c.", year = "{\noopsort{1982a}}1982", comment = "Not sure of date. Cf. Princeton TR 297, reference to ANC algorithms." } @inproceedings{Stockmeyer&Meyer:1973, key = "Stockmeyer and Meyer 1973", author = "L. J. Stockmeyer and A. R. Meyer", title = "Word problems requiring exponential time", booktitle = STOC73, publisher = "ACM Press", year = 1973, pages = "1-9"} @book{Hopcroft&Ullman:1979, key = "Hopcroft and Ullman 1979", author = "J. E. Hopcroft and J. D. Ullman", title = "Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation", publisher = AW, year = 1979} @article{Garey&Johnson:1978, key = "Garey and Johnson 1978", author = "M. R. Garey and D. S. Johnson", title = "{``Strong''} {NP-completeness} results: motivation, examples, and implications", journal = JACM, volume = 25, pages = "499-508", year = 1978} @article{Bach:1988, key = "Bach 1988", author = "E. Bach", title = "How to generate factored random numbers", journal = SIAMJC, volume = 17, pages = "179-193", year = 1988} @article{Beame&Cook&HooverCH:1986, key = "Beame, Cook, and Hoover 1986", author = "P. W. Beame and S. A. Cook and H. J. Hoover", title = "Log depth circuits for division and related problems", journal = SIAMJC, volume = 15, pages = "994-1003", year = 1986} @article{Ofman:1962, key = "Ofman 1962", author = "Y. Ofman", title = "On the algorithmic complexity of discrete functions", journal = DAN, volume = 145, pages = "48-51", year = 1962, note = "English translation in {\it Soviet Physics Doklady}, {\bf 7} (1963), 589--591." } @article{Vitanyi:1988, key = "{Vit\'anyi} 1988", author = "P. M. B. {Vit\'anyi}", title = "Locality, communication, and interconnect length in multicomputers", journal = SIAMJC, volume = 17, pages = "659-672", year = 1988} @article{Sutherland&Mead:1977, key = "Sutherland and Mead 1977", author = "I. E. Sutherland and C. A. Mead", title = "Microelectronics and computer science", journal = SA, volume = 237, number = 3, pages = "210-229", year = 1977} @article{Wallace:1964, key = "Wallace 1964", author = "C. S. Wallace", title = "A suggestion for a fast multiplier", journal = IEEE-EC, volume = "EC-13", pages = "14-17", year = 1964} @article{Anderson&Earle&Goldschmidt&Powers:1967, key = "Anderson, Earle, Goldschmidt, and Powers 1967", author = "S. F. Anderson and J. G. Earle and R. E. Goldschmidt and D. M. Powers", title = "The {IBM} {System/360} {Model} 91: floating-point execution unit", journal = IBMJ, volume = 11, pages = "34-53", year = 1967} @techreport{Bach&Sorenson:1989, key = "Bach and Sorenson 1989", author = "E. Bach and J. Sorenson", title = "Sieve algorithms for perfect power testing", institution = "University of Wisconsin, Computer Sciences Department", number = "852", month = "June", year = 1989} @article{Bach&Sorenson:1993, key = "Bach and Sorenson 1993", author = "E. Bach and J. Sorenson", title = "Sieve algorithms for perfect power testing", journal = "Algorithmica", volume = 9, year = 1993, pages = "313-328"} % Books: Waser and Flynn, etc. @incollection{Knuth&Yao:1976, key = "Knuth and Yao 1976", author = "D. E. Knuth and A. C. Yao", title = "The complexity of nonuniform random number generation", booktitle = "Algorithms and Complexity: New Directions and Recent Results", editor = "J. F. Traub", publisher = AP, year = 1976, pages = "357-428"} @article{Jones&Laaser:1977, key = "N. Jones and Laaser 1977", author = "N. D. Jones and W. T. Laaser", title = "Complete problems for deterministic polynomial time", journal = TCS, volume = 3, pages = "105-117", year = 1977} @article{Ladner:1975, key = "Ladner 1975", author = "R. E. Ladner", title = "The circuit value problem is log space complete for {P}", journal = SIGACT, volume = 7, number = 1, pages = "18-20", year = 1975 } @inproceedings{Pippenger:1979, key = "Pippenger 1979", author = "N. Pippenger", title = "On simultaneous resource bounds", booktitle = FOCS79, publisher = "IEEE Press", year = 1979, pages = "307-311"} @inproceedings{Mansour&Schieber&Tiwari:1989, key = "Mansour, Schieber and Tiwari 1989", author = "Y. Mansour and B. Schieber and P. Tiwari", title = "The complexity of approximating the square root", booktitle = FOCS89, publisher = "IEEE Press", year = 1989, pages = "325-330"} @article{Karloff&Ruzzo:1989, key = "Karloff and Ruzzo 1989", author = "H. J. Karloff and W. L. Ruzzo", title = "The iterated mod problem", journal = IC, volume = 80, pages = "193-204", year = 1989} @incollection{Collins&Mignotte&Winkler:1982, key = "G. Collins, Mignotte, and Winkler 1982", author = "G. E. Collins and M. Mignotte and F. Winkler", title = "Arithmetic in basic algebraic domains", booktitle = "Computer Algebra: Symbolic and Algebraic Computation", editor = "B. Buchberger and G. E. Collins and R. Loos", publisher = SV, year = 1982, pages = "189-220"} @book{Knuth:1981, key = "Knuth 1981", author = "D. E. Knuth", title = "The Art of Computer Programming. Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms", publisher = AW, year = 1981, note = "2nd edition"} @article{Chernoff:1952, key = "Chernoff 1952", author = "H. Chernoff", title = "A measure of asymptotic efficiency for tests of a hypothesis based on the sum of observations", journal = ANMS, volume = 23, pages = "493-507", year = 1952 } @article{Post:1944, key = "Post 1944", author = "E. L. Post", title = "Recursively enumerable sets of positive integers and their decision problems", journal = BAMS, volume = 50, pages = "284-316", year = 1944 } @techreport{Comba:1989, key = "Comba 1989", author = "P. G. Comba", title = "Experiments in fast multiplication of large integers", institution = "IBM, Cambridge Scientific Center", number = "G320-2158", month = "February", year = 1989} @article{Pollard:1971a, key = "Pollard 1971a", author = "J. M. Pollard", title = "The fast {F}ourier transform in a finite field", journal = MC, volume = 25, pages = "365-374", year = "{\noopsort{1971a}}1971"} @article{Brassard&Monet&Zuffellato:1986, key = "Brassard, Monet, and Zuffellato 1986", author = "G. Brassard and S. Monet and D. Zuffellato", title = "Algorithmes pour l'arithm{\'e}tique des tr{\`e}s grands entiers", journal = "Techniques et Science Informatique", volume = 5, pages = "89-102", year = 1986 } @article{Rabin&Scott:1959, key = "Rabin and Scott 1959", author = "M. O. Rabin and D. Scott", title = "Finite Automata and their decision problems", journal = IBMJ, volume = 3, year = 1959, pages = "115-125" } @incollection{Kuechlin&Lutz&Nevin:1991, key = "Kuechlin, Lutz, and Nevin 1991", author = "W. Kuechlin and D. Lutz and N. Nevin", title = "Integer multiplication in {PARSAC-2} on stock microprocessors", booktitle = AAECC9, editor = "H. F. Mattson and T. Mora and T. R. N. Rao", publisher = SV, series = LNICS, volume = 539, year = 1991, pages = "206-217"} @article{Kelvin:1901, key = "Kelvin 1901", author = "Lord Kelvin", title = "Nineteenth century clouds over the dynamical theory of heat and light", journal = PMAG, volume = 2, year = 1901, pages = "1-40"} @incollection{Fagin:1990, key = "Fagin 1990", author = "B. S. Fagin", title = "Large integer multiplication on massively parallel processors", booktitle = "Proc. Frontiers '90: Third Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation", publisher = IEEEPR, year = 1990, pages = "38-42"} @inproceedings{Sipser:1992, key = "Sipser 1992", author = "M. Sipser", title = "The history and status of the {P} versus {NP} question", booktitle = STOC92, year = 1992, publisher = "ACM Press", pages = "603-618"} @article{Bshouty&Mansour&Schieber&Tiwari:1992, key = "Bshouty, Mansour, Schieber, and Tiwari 1992", author = "N. H. Bshouty and Y. Mansour and B. Schieber and P. Tiwari", title = "Fast exponentiation using the truncation operation", journal = CC, volume = 2, year = 1992, pages = "244-255"} @article{Santos:1969, key = "Santos 1969", author = "E. S. Santos", title = "Probabilistic {Turing} machines and computability", journal = PAMS, volume = 22, year = 1969, pages = "704-710"} @article{Lemoine:1882, key = "Lemoine 1882", author = "E. Lemoine", title = "{D\'ecomposition} d'un nombre entier {$N$} en ses puissances $n$i\`emes maxima", journal = CRASP, volume = 95, year = 1882, pages = "719-722"} @book{Minsky:1967, key = "Minsky 1967", author = "M. Minsky", title = "Computation: Finite and Infinite Machines", publisher = "Prentice-Hall", year = 1967} @article{Fitch:1974, key = "Fitch 1974", author = "J. Fitch", title = "A simple method of taking $n$th roots of integers", journal = ASB, volume = 8, pages = "26", year = 1974} @unpublished{BernsteinD:1995, key = "D. Bernstein 1995", author = "D. Bernstein", title = "Detecting perfect powers in essentially linear time", note = "Unpublished manuscript", year = "1995", comment = "Dan says it will be submitted to Math. Comp."} @book{Motwani&Raghavan:1995, key = "Motwani and Raghavan 1995", author = "R. Motwani and P. Raghavan", title = "Randomized Algorithms", publisher = CUP, year = 1995} @article{Karp:1991, key = "Karp 1991", author = "R. M. Karp", title = "An introduction to randomized algorithms", journal = DAM, volume = 34, year = 1991, pages = "165-201"}