@book{Hardy&Wright:1985, key = "G. Hardy and Wright 1985", author = "G. H. Hardy and E. M. Wright", title = "An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers", edition = "5th", publisher = OUP, year = 1985} @book{Riesel:1985a, key = "Riesel 1985a", author = "H. Riesel", title = "Prime Numbers and Computer Methods for Factorization", publisher = {Birkh\"{a}user}, year = "{\noopsort{1985a}}1985", note = "Revised edition, 1994"} @book{Knuth:1969, key = "Knuth 1969", author = "D. E. Knuth", title = "The Art of Computer Programming. Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms", publisher = AW, year = 1969} @book{Rosen:1984, key = "K. Rosen 1984", author = "K. H. Rosen", title = "Elementary Number Theory and its Applications", publisher = AW, year = 1984} @book{Pomerance:1984a, key = "Pomerance 1984a", author = "C. Pomerance", title = "Lecture Notes on Primality Testing and Factoring: A Short Course at {Kent} {State} {University}", series = "MAA Notes", publisher = MAA, volume = 4, year = 1984} @book{Kranakis:1986, key = "Kranakis 1986", author = "E. Kranakis", title = "Primality and Cryptography", publisher = "Wiley", year = 1986} @book{Shanks:1978, key = "Shanks 1978", author = "D. Shanks", title = "Solved and Unsolved Problems in Number Theory", publisher = "Chelsea Publishing Company", year = 1978, edition = "2nd"} @book{Shanks:1985, key = "Shanks 1985", author = "D. Shanks", title = "Solved and Unsolved Problems in Number Theory", publisher = "Chelsea Publishing Company", year = 1985, edition = "3rd"} @book{LeVeque:1977, key = "LeVeque 1977", author = "W. J. LeVeque", title = "Fundamentals of Number Theory", publisher = AW, year = 1977} @book{Guy:1994, key = "Guy 1994", author = "R. K. Guy", title = "Unsolved Problems in Number Theory", series = "Unsolved Problems in Intuitive Mathematics", volume = "I", publisher = SV, year = 1994, edition = "2nd"} @book{Sierpinski:1964a, key = "{Sierpi\'nski} 1964", author = "W. Sierpi\'nski", title = "Elementary Theory of Numbers", publisher = "Pa\'nstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe", year = 1964} @incollection{Lehmer:1969, key = "D. H. Lehmer 1969", author = "D. H. Lehmer", title = "Computer technology applied to the theory of numbers", booktitle = "Studies in Number Theory", editor = "W. J. LeVeque", publisher = "Mathematical Association of America", year = 1969, pages = "117-151"} @incollection{Lehmer:1971, key = "D. H. Lehmer 1971", author = "D. H. Lehmer", title = "The economics of number theoretic computation", booktitle = "Computers in Number Theory", editor = "A. O. L. Atkin and Birch, B. J.", publisher = AP, year = 1971, pages = "1-9"} @article{Wilf:1982, key = "Wilf 1982", author = "H. S. Wilf", title = "What is an answer?", journal = AMM, volume = 89, year = 1982, pages = "289-292"} @article{Welsh:1983, key = "Welsh 1983", author = "D. J. A. Welsh", title = "Randomised algorithms", journal = DAM, volume = 5, year = 1983, pages = "133-145"} @techreport{Angluin:1982, key = "Angluin 1982", author = "D. Angluin", title = "Lecture notes on the complexity of some problems in number theory", institution = "Yale University, Department of Computer Science", number = 243, month = "August", year = 1982} @article{Dixon:1984, key = "Dixon 1984", author = "J. D. Dixon", title = "Factorization and primality tests", journal = AMM, volume = 91, year = 1984, pages = "333-352"} @techreport{Lenstra&Lenstra:1987, key = "A. K. Lenstra and Lenstra 1987", author = "A. K. Lenstra and Lenstra, Jr., H. W.", title = "Algorithms in number theory", institution = "University of Chicago, Department of Computer Science", number = "87-008", month = "May", year = 1987} @incollection{Lenstra&Lenstra:1990, key = "A. K. Lenstra and Lenstra 1990", author = "A. K. Lenstra and Lenstra, Jr., H. W.", title = "Algorithms in number theory", booktitle = "Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. A: Algorithms and Complexity", editor = "Leeuwen, J. van", year = 1990, pages = "673-715", publisher = "Elsevier and The MIT Press"} @inproceedings{Adleman&McCurley:1986, key = "Adleman and McCurley 1986", author = "L. M. Adleman and K. S. McCurley", title = "Open problems in number theoretic complexity", booktitle = "Discrete Algorithms and Complexity", organization = "Proc. of the Japan-US Joint Seminar", publisher = "Academic Press", editor = "{Johnson et al.}, D. S.", year = 1986, pages = "237-262"} @incollection{Adleman&McCurley:1994, key = "Adleman and McCurley 1994", author = "L. M. Adleman and K. S. McCurley", title = "Open problems in number theoretic complexity, {II}", booktitle = ANTS1, editor = "L. M. Adleman and M.-D. Huang", series = LNICS, volume = 877, publisher = SV, year = 1994, pages = "291-322"} @article{Woll:1987, key = "Woll 1987", author = "H. Woll", title = "Reductions among number theoretic problems", journal = IC, volume = 72, year = 1987, pages = "167-179"} @article{Rosser&Schoenfeld:1962, key = "Rosser and Schoenfeld 1962", author = "J. B. Rosser and L. Schoenfeld", title = "Approximate formulas for some functions of prime numbers", journal = "Ill. J. Math.", volume = 6, year = 1962, pages = "64-94"} @article{Rosser&Schoenfeld:1975, key = "Rosser and Schoenfeld 1975", author = "J. B. Rosser and L. Schoenfeld", title = "Sharper bounds for the {Chebyshev} functions $\theta(x)$ and $\psi(x)$", journal = MC, volume = 29, year = 1975, pages = "243-269"} @article{Schoenfeld:1976, key = "Schoenfeld 1976", author = "L. Schoenfeld", title = "Sharper bounds for the {Chebyshev} functions $\theta(x)$ and $\psi(x)$. {II}", journal = MC, volume = 30, year = 1976, pages = "337-360", note = "Corrigenda in {\it Math. Comp.} {\bf 30} (1976), 900"} @techreport{Spearman&Williams:1975, key = "Spearman and Williams 1975", author = "B. Spearman and K. S. Williams", title = "Handbook of estimates in the theory of numbers", type = "Carleton Mathematical Lecture Note", institution = "Carleton University", number = 14, year = 1975} @book{Bach:1985, key = "Bach 1985", author = "E. Bach", title = "Analytic Methods in the Analysis and Design of Number-theoretic Algorithms", publisher = MIT, year = 1985} @book{Zimmer:1972, key = "Zimmer 1972", author = "H. G. Zimmer", title = "Computational Problems, Methods, and Results in Algebraic Number Theory", series = LNIM, volume = 262, publisher = SV, year = 1972} @book{Ribenboim:1988b, key = "Ribenboim 1988b", author = "P. Ribenboim", title = "The Book of Prime Number Records", publisher = SV, year = "{\noopsort{1988b}}1988"} @book{Hodges:1983, key = "Hodges 1983", author = "A. Hodges", title = "Alan {Turing}: the {Enigma}", publisher = SSCHU, year = 1983} @book{Bell:1951, key = "Bell 1951", author = "E. T. Bell", title = "Mathematics: Queen and Servant of Science", publisher = "G. Bell \& Sons", year = 1951} @article{Williams:1982a, key = "H. Williams 1982a", author = "H. C. Williams", title = "The influence of computers in the development of number theory", journal = CMA, year = "{\noopsort{1982a}}1982", volume = 8, pages = "75-93"} @incollection{Albert:1941, key = "Albert 1941", author = "A. A. Albert", title = "Some mathematical aspects of cryptography", booktitle = "A. Adrian Albert: Collected Mathematical Papers", year = "{\noopsort{1941}}1993", editor = "R. E. Block and N. Jacobson and J. M. Osborn and D. J. Saltman and D. Zelinsky", publisher = AMS, pages = "903-920", note = "Invited address to the Manhattan, Kansas meeting of the American Mathematical Society, November 22, 1941"} @article{Lucas:1876a, key = "Lucas 1876a", author = "E. Lucas", title = "Note sur l'application des s\'eries r\'ecurrents \`a la recherche de la loi de distribution des nombres premiers", journal = CRASP, volume = 89, year = "{\noopsort{1876a}}1876", pages = "165-167"} @article{Ferrier:1952, key = "Ferrier 1952", author = "A. Ferrier", title = "The determination of a large prime", journal = MTAC, volume = 6, year = 1952, pages = "256"} @article{Pocklington:1910, key = "Pocklington 1910", author = "H. C. Pocklington", title = "The determination of the exponent to which a number belongs, the practical solution of certain congruences, and the law of quadratic reciprocity", journal = PCPS, volume = 16, year = 1910, pages = "1-5"} @article{Edmonds:1965, key = "Edmonds 1965", author = "J. Edmonds", title = "Paths, trees, and flowers", journal = "Canadian J. Math.", volume = 17, year = 1965, pages = "449-467"} @incollection{Cobham:1964, key = "Cobham 1964", author = "A. Cobham", title = "The intrinsic computational difficulty of functions", booktitle = "Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science", editor = "Y. Bar-Hillel", publisher = "North-Holland", year = 1964, pages = "24-30"} @incollection{Lehmer:1974, key = "D. H. Lehmer 1974", author = "D. H. Lehmer", title = "The influence of computing on research in number theory", booktitle = "The Influence of Computing on Mathematical Research and Education", series = PSAM, volume = 20, year = 1974, publisher = AMS, editor = "J. P. LaSalle", pages = "3-12"} @incollection{ELehmer:1956, key = "E. Lehmer 1956", author = "E. Lehmer", title = "Number theory on the {SWAC}", series = PSAM, booktitle = "Numerical Analysis", volume = 6, year = 1956, pages = "103-108"} @incollection{Taussky:1956, key = "Taussky 1956", author = "O. Taussky", title = "Some computational problems in algebraic number theory", series = PSAM, booktitle = "Numerical Analysis", volume = 6, year = 1956, pages = "187-193"} @book{DNLehmer:1909, key = "D. N. Lehmer 1909", author = "D. N. Lehmer", title = "Factor Table for the First Ten Millions", publisher = "Carnegie Institute of Washington", series = "Publication No. 105", year = 1909, address = "Washington, D. C.", note = "Reprinted by Hafner, New York, 1956"} @book{DNLehmer:1914, key = "D. N. Lehmer 1914", author = "D. N. Lehmer", title = "List of Prime Numbers from 1 to 10,006,721", publisher = "Carnegie Institute of Washington", series = "Publication No. 165", year = 1914, address = "Washington, D. C.", note = "Reprinted by Hafner, New York, 1956. Errata can be found in {\it Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.} {\bf 38} (1932) 902; {\it Math. Tables Aids Comput.} {\bf 11} (1957) 272-273; {\it Math. Comp.} {\bf 20} (1966) 642; and {\it Math. Comp.} {\bf 29} (1975) 341"} @incollection{Lehmer:1968, key = "D. H. Lehmer 1968", author = "D. H. Lehmer", booktitle = "Computers in Mathematical Research", title = "Machines and pure mathematics", editor = "R. F. Churchhouse and J.-C. Herz", publisher = NH, year = 1968, pages = "1-7"} @article{Lehmer:1973, key = "D. H. Lehmer 1973", author = "D. H. Lehmer", title = "The economics of quadratic form calculations", journal = JNT, volume = 5, year = 1973, pages = "544-545"} @article{Lehmer:1934, key = "D. H. Lehmer 1934", author = "D. H. Lehmer", title = "A machine for combining sets of linear congruences", journal = MA, volume = 109, year = "1934", pages = "661-667"} @article{Odlyzko&teRiele:1985, key = "Odlyzko and te Riele 1985", author = "A. M. Odlyzko and te Riele, H. J. J.", title = "Disproof of the {Mertens} conjecture", journal = JFRAM, volume = 357, year = 1985, pages = "138-160"} @article{Lander&Parkin:1967a, key = "Lander and Parkin 1967a", author = "L. J. Lander and T. R. Parkin", title = "A counterexample to {Euler's} sum of powers conjecture", journal = MC, volume = 21, year = "{\noopsort{1967a}}1967", pages = "101-103"} @book{Bressoud:1989, key = "Bressoud 1989", author = "D. M. Bressoud", title = "Factorization and Primality Testing", publisher = SV, year = 1989} @book{Koblitz:1987a, key = "Koblitz 1987a", author = "N. Koblitz", title = "A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography", publisher = SV, year = "{\noopsort{1987a}}1987"} @article{Lehmer:1964, key = "D. H. Lehmer 1964", author = "D. H. Lehmer", title = "On a problem of {St\"ormer}", journal = IJM, volume = 8, year = 1964, pages = "57-79"} @book{CohnH:1980, key = "H. Cohn 1980", author = "H. Cohn", title = "Advanced Number Theory", publisher = "Dover", year = 1980} @book{Weil:1984, key = "Weil 1984", author = "A. Weil", title = "Number Theory: an Approach Through History; from Hammurapi to Legendre", publisher = BB, year = 1984} @book{Dickson:1919, key = "Dickson 1919", author = "L. E. Dickson", title = "History of the Theory of Numbers", volume = "I: Divisibility and Primality", year = 1919, publisher = "Carnegie Institute of Washington, Publication No. 256", note = "Reprinted by Chelsea, New York, 1971"} @book{Hindenburg:1776, key = "Hindenburg 1776", author = "C. F. Hindenburg", title = "Beschreibung einer ganz neuen Art nach einem bekannten {Gesetze} fortgehende {Zahlen} durch {Abz\"ahlen} oder {Abmessen} bequem u. sicher zu finden. {Nebst Anwendung der Methode} auf verschiedene {Zahlen}, besonders auf eine darnach zu fertigende {Factorentafel} ...,", address = "Leipzig", year = 1776} @book{Goldstine:1972, key = "Goldstine 1972", author = "H. H. Goldstine", title = "The Computer from {Pascal} to von {Neumann}", publisher = PUP, year = 1972} @book{Fermat:1894, key = "Fermat 1894", author = "P. Fermat", title = "Oeuvres", publisher = "Gauthier-Villars", address = "Paris", year = 1894} @book{Euler:1849, key = "Euler 1849", author = "L. Euler", title = "Commentationes Arithmeticae Collectae", volume = 1, year = 1849} @book{Mersenne:1644, key = "Mersenne 1644", author = "M. Mersenne", title = "Cogitata Physico Mathematica", address = "Paris", year = 1644} @book{Jevons:1874, key = "Jevons 1874", author = "W. S. Jevons", title = "Principles of Science", publisher = "Macmillan \& Co.", address = "London", year = 1874} @book{Smith:1859, key = "H. J. S. Smith 1859", author = "H. J. S. Smith", title = "Report on the Theory of Numbers, Part I", publisher = "British Association", year = "1859", note = "Reprinted by Chelsea, New York, 1965"} @book{Smith:1860, key = "H. J. S. Smith 1860", author = "H. J. S. Smith", title = "Report on the Theory of Numbers, Part II", publisher = "British Association", year = "1860", note = "Reprinted by Chelsea, New York, 1965"} @article{Elkies:1988, key = "Elkies 1988", author = "N. D. Elkies", title = "On ${A^4 + B^4 + C^4 = D^4}$", journal = MC, volume = 51, year = 1988, pages = "825-835"} @book{Randell:1982, key = "Randell 1982", editor = "B. Randell", title = "The Origins of Digital Computers", publisher = SV, year = 1982, note = "3rd edition"} @book{Gardner:1982, key = "Gardner 1982", author = "M. Gardner", title = "Logic Machines and Diagrams", publisher = UCP, year = 1982} @article{Debnath:1982, key = "Debnath 1982", author = "L. Debnath", title = "Some recent results of number theory discovered with electronic computers", journal = "Int. J. Math. Educ. Sci. Technol.", year = 1982, volume = 13, pages = "603-617"} @incollection{Lehmer:1963, key = "D. H. Lehmer 1963", author = "D. H. Lehmer", title = "Automation and pure mathematics", booktitle = "Applications of Digital Computers", editor = "W. F. Freiberger and W. Prager", publisher = "Ginn and Company", address = "Boston", year = 1963, pages = "219-231"} @article{Harkin:1957, key = "Harkin 1957", author = "D. Harkin", title = "On the mathematical work of {Fran\c cois-\'Edouard-Anatole Lucas}", journal = EM, volume = 3, year = 1957, pages = "276-288"} @article{Gerth:1987, key = "Gerth 1987", author = "{Gerth, III}, F.", title = "Extension of conjectures of {Cohen} and {Lenstra}", journal = EXM, volume = 5, year = 1987, pages = "181-184"} @article{Cohen&Martinet:1987, key = "H. Cohen and Martinet 1987", author = "H. Cohen and J. Martinet", title = "Class groups of number fields: numerical heuristics", journal = MC, volume = 48, year = 1987, pages = "123-137"} @article{Washington:1986, key = "Washington 1986", author = "L. C. Washington", title = "Some remarks on {Cohen-Lenstra} heuristics", journal = MC, volume = 47, year = 1986, pages = "741-747"} @incollection{Cohen&Lenstra:1984b, key = "H. Cohen and H. W. Lenstra 1984b", author = "H. Cohen and Lenstra, Jr., H. W.", title = "Heuristics on class groups of number fields", booktitle = "Number Theory, Noordwijkerhout 1983", editor = "H. Jager", publisher = SV, year = 1984, series = LNIM, volume = 1068, pages = "33-62"} @incollection{Cohen&Lenstra:1984a, key = "H. Cohen and H. W. Lenstra 1984a", author = "H. Cohen and Lenstra, Jr., H. W.", title = "Heuristics on class groups", booktitle = "Number Theory (New York, 1982)", editor = "D. V. Chudnovsky", publisher = SV, year = 1984, series = LNIM, volume = 1052, pages = "26-36"} @article{Birch&Swinnerton-Dyer:1963, key = "Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer 1963", author = "B. J. Birch and H. P. F. Swinnerton-Dyer", title = "Notes on elliptic curves {I}", journal = JFRAM, volume = 212, year = 1963, pages = "7-25"} @article{Birch&Swinnerton-Dyer:1965, key = "Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer 1965", author = "B. J. Birch and H. P. F. Swinnerton-Dyer", title = "Notes on elliptic curves {II}", journal = JFRAM, volume = 218, year = 1965, pages = "79-108"} @book{Dooge&Robbins&Karpinski:1926, key = "{D'ooge}, Robbins, and Karpinski 1926", author = "M. L. {D'ooge} and F. E. Robbins and L. C. Karpinksi", title = "Nicomachus of Gerasa", publisher = "Macmillan", address = "London", year = 1926} @book{Feller:1968, key = "Feller 1968", author = "W. Feller", title = "An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications", publisher = "Wiley", volume = 1, address = NY, edition = "3rd", year = 1968} @book{Feller:1971, key = "Feller 1971", author = "W. Feller", title = "An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications", volume = 2, publisher = "Wiley", address = NY, edition = "2nd", year = 1971} @book{Gauss:1801, key = "Gauss 1801", author = "C. F. Gauss", title = "Disquisitiones Arithmeticae", year = 1801, address = "Leipzig", publisher = "G. Fleischer", note = "English translation by A. A. Clarke, Springer-Verlag, 1986"} @book{Herstein:1975, key = "Herstein 1975", author = "I. N. Herstein", title = "Topics in Algebra", publisher = "Wiley", address = NY, edition = "2nd", year = "1975"} @article{Lilley:1942, key = "Lilley 1942", author = "S. Lilley", title = "Mathematical Machines", journal = "Nature", volume = 149, year = 1942, pages = "462-465"} @article{Boys:1901, key = "Boys 1901", author = "C. V. Boys", title = "The comptometer", journal = "Nature", volume = 64, year = 1901, pages = "265-268"} @book{Lehmer:1941, key = "D. H. Lehmer 1941", author = "D. H. Lehmer", title = "Guide to Tables in the Theory of Numbers", publisher = "National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences", address = "Washington, D. C.", year = "1941"} @book{Aho&Hopcroft&Ullman:1974, key = "Aho, Hopcroft, and Ullman 1974", author = "A. Aho and J. Hopcroft and J. Ullman", title = "The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", address = "Reading, Massachusetts", year = "1974"} @incollection{Swinnerton-Dyer:1967, key = "Swinnerton-Dyer 1967", author = "P. Swinnerton-Dyer", title = "The use of computers in number theory", editor = "J. T. Schwartz", booktitle = "Mathematical Aspects of Computer Science, 1966", series = PSAM, volume = 19, year = 1967, publisher = AMS, pages = "111-116"} @article{Godel:1931, key = "{G\"odel} 1931", author = "K. {G\"odel}", title = "{{\"Uber} formal unentscheidbare {S\"atze} der {Principia} {Mathematica} und verwandter {Systeme I}}", journal = MMP, volume = 38, year = 1931, pages = "173-198", note = "English translation in M. Davis [1965], pp. 4--38"} @article{Church:1932, key = "Church 1932", author = "A. Church", title = "A set of postulates for the foundation of logic", journal = AM, volume = 33, year = 1932, pages = "346-366"} @article{Church:1933, key = "Church 1933", author = "A. Church", title = "A set of postulates for the foundation of logic (second paper)", journal = AM, volume = 34, year = 1933, pages = "839-864"} @incollection{Churchhouse:1988a, key = "Churchhouse 1988a", author = "R. F. Churchhouse", title = "Computers in number theory", booktitle = "Proceedings, 1987 CERN School of Computing", publisher = "CERN", address = "Geneva, Switzerland", editor = "C. Verkerk", year = 1988, pages = "357-377"} @book{Hardy:1940a, key = "G. Hardy 1940a", author = "G. H. Hardy", title = "A {Mathematician's} Apology", publisher = CUP, year = "{\noopsort{1940a}}1940"} @incollection{Cohen:1979, key = "H. Cohen 1979", author = "H. Cohen", title = "{Arithm\'etique} et informatique", booktitle = "{Journ\'ees} {Arithm\'etiques} de Luminy", series = ASTER, volume = 61, year = 1979, publisher = SMF, pages = "57-61"} @incollection{Churchhouse:1988b, key = "Churchhouse 1988b", author = "R. F. Churchhouse", title = "Some recent discoveries in number theory and analysis made by the use of a computer", booktitle = "Computers in Mathematical Research", editor = "N. M. Stephens and M. P. Thorne", publisher = "Clarendon Press", address = "Oxford", year = 1988, pages = "1-14"} @book{Legendre:1798, key = "Legendre 1798", author = "A.-M. Legendre", title = "Essai sur la Th\'eorie des Nombres", address = "Paris", publisher = "Duprat", year = 1798} @book{Cunningham&Woodall:1925, key = "Cunningham and Woodall 1925", author = "A. J. C. Cunningham and H. J. Woodall", title = "Factorisation of $y^n \mp 1, y = 2,3,5,6,7,10,11,12$ up to High Powers $(n)$", publisher = "Hodgson", address = "London", year = 1925} @book{Lehmer:1981, key = "D. H. Lehmer 1981", author = "D. H. Lehmer", title = "Selected Papers of {D. H. Lehmer}", publisher = "Charles Babbage Research Centre", address = "St. Pierre, Manitoba", year = 1981, note = "3 volumes"} @book{Robinson:1940, key = "Robinson 1940", author = "R. M. Robinson", title = "Stencils for Solving $x^2 \equiv a$ {\rm (mod} $m${\rm )}", publisher = "University of California Press", year = 1940, address = "Berkeley"} @book{Lambert:1785, key = "Lambert 1785", author = "J. H. Lambert", title = "Joh. {Heinrich} {Lamberts} ehemaligen {K\"onigl.} {Preuss.} {Oberbaurathes} und ordentl. {Mitgliedes} der {K\"onigl.} {Academie} der {Wissenschaften} zu {Berlin} \&c. deutscher gelehrter {Briefwechsel}, herausgegeben von {Joh.} {Bernoulli}, {Volume 5}", publisher = "Bey dem Herausgeber", address = "Berlin", year = 1785} @article{Tanaka:1980, key = "Tanaka 1980", author = "M. Tanaka", title = "A numerical investigation on cumulative sum of the {Liouville} function", journal = TJM, volume = 3, year = 1980, pages = "187-189"} @article{Turing:1945, key = "Turing 1945", author = "A. M. Turing", title = "A method for the calculation of the zeta-function", journal = PLMS, volume = 48, year = 1945, pages = "180-197"} @article{Turing:1953, key = "Turing 1953", author = "A. M. Turing", title = "Some calculations of the {Riemann} zeta-function", journal = PLMS, volume = 3, year = 1953, pages = "99-117"} @techreport{Brent&Cohen&teRiele:1989, key = "Brent, Cohen, and te Riele 1989", author = "R. P. Brent and G. L. Cohen and Riele, H. J. J. te", title = "Improved techniques for lower bounds for odd perfect numbers", number = "CMA-R50-89", institution = "Centre for Mathematical Analysis, Australian National University, Canberra", month = "October", year = 1989} @article{Fung&Williams:1990, key = "Fung and Williams 1990", author = "G. W. Fung and H. C. Williams", title = "Quadratic polynomials which have a high density of prime values", journal = MC, volume = 55, year = 1990, pages = "345-353"} @article{Lebon:1912, key = "Lebon 1912", author = "E. Lebon", title = "Table des facteurs premiers des nombres compris entre 1 et 100\ 000\ 000 ({d\'ebut} d'une)", journal = AFAS, volume = 41, year = 1912, pages = "44-53"} @article{Lebon:1908, key = "Lebon 1908", author = "E. Lebon", title = "Disposition et {\'etendue} d'une table {d'\'el\'ements} donnant les facteurs premiers des nombres jusqu'\`a cent millions", journal = AFAS, volume = 37, year = 1908, pages = "33-36"} @article{Lebon:1914, key = "Lebon 1914", author = "E. Lebon", title = "Calculs relatifs {\`a} la construction d'une nouvelle table de diviseurs des nombres", journal = AFAS, volume = 43, year = 1914, pages = "29-35"} @article{Tarry:1907, key = "Tarry 1907", author = "G. Tarry", title = "{Th\'eorie} des tables {\`a} triple {entr\'ee} pour la recherche des facteurs premiers des nombres", journal = AFAS, volume = 36, year = 1907, pages = "32-42"} @book{Matiyasevich:1993, key = "Matiyasevich 1993", author = "Yu. V. Matiyasevich", title = "Hilbert's Tenth Problem", publisher = "MIT Press", year = 1993}