CS 5114 Homework 2 (Spring 2013)
Assigned on Tuesday, February 12, 2013. PDF submisions due by
beginning of class on Tuesday, February 19, 2013. Please name your file
as "PID_CS5114_homework2.pdf" (where you will replace "PID" with
your PID) and email your solutions to the TA. As an example, my
solution would be "tmurali_CS5114_homework2.pdf". The TA will annotate
your PDF solutions while grading and email them back to you based on
your PID.
Describe your algorithms as clearly as possible. The style used in
the book is fine, as long as your description is not ambiguous. Do not
make any assumptions not stated in the problem. If you do make any
assumptions, state them clearly, and explain why the assumption does not
decrease the generality of your solution. Do not describe your
algorithms only for a specific example you may have worked out. You must
also provide a clear proof that your solution is correct (or a
counter-example, where applicable). Analyse your algorithm and
state the running time. You will only get partial credit if your
analysis is not tight, i.e., if the bound you prove for your algorithm
is not the best upper bound possible.
- (20 points) Solve exercise 2 in Chapter 4 (page 189) of your
- (35 points) Solve exercise 5 in Chapter 4 (pages 190-191) of
your textbook. Just in case the problem statement is not completely
clear, you can assume that the road is the x-axis,
that each house lies directly on the road, and that the position of
each house can be specified by its x-coordinate.
- (45 points) Solve exercise 13 in Chapter 4 (pages 194-195) of your
textbook. (Hint: Try to use one of the techniques we
have seen for proving the correctness of greedy algorithms. Working
"backwards" from what you need to prove might help you to discover
the algorithm.)