CS 4604 Project Assignment 3
Released on April 18, 2016. Email PDF version of your project report to both TAs by 12:00 noon May 2, 2016. Also submit hardcopy of the report at the beginning of the class on May 2 (IMP: to count as an 'on-time' submission, you have to email the PDF at noon and also submit the hardcopy in class, NO exceptions). See Late Policy down the page. In-person Demos: Please sign-up for a slot on May 3, using this link, before 5pm EDT April 29 (otherwise, we'll have to assign you randomly to an available time-slot).
The goal of this step of the project is to interface your database with
a programming language and to make it web-accessible. This is the stage
where you embed your database into a complete application. The
programming language that we will use is PHP, a server-side scripting language
which is very similar to Perl. Executable commands are embedded via
special tags in the source of the web page. Version 5.3.3 of PHP is
installed on cs4604.cs.vt.edu. By this facility, the
PostgreSQL database that you have created can be accessed via the web,
using a webserver that has been installed for us on
At this point, it is helpful to answer the
following FAQs:
FAQ: Can we do this step of the project from our own
computer/web server but still access the PostgreSQL database server on
Answer: No. Unfortunately, you can not do this. So the only options are to use either both your own web and DB servers or only use the provided infrastructure.
FAQ: Can we use our own database server and web
Answer: Yes. You are welcome to do the
project completely on your own computer. Notice that this step of the
project involves having a DBMS (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL server
etc.) and drivers for accessing the database from the programming
language you will use to implement your web interface. Depending on how
you choose to demo your web interface, your computer may also need to be
net-accessible (so that people can access the web pages that are stored
in your computer via the world wide web). In addition, you may need to
install PHP (if you decide to use PHP for your web interface), and a web
server that you can operate on your computer. In short, if your setup
allows the facility to create web pages and make them publicly
accessible on the Internet, you are in good shape. If you choose this
option, you take full responsibility for ensuring that your machine
supports all the desired functionalities. Unfortunately, we will NOT be able to
accommodate any last minute requests for extensions because something is
not working. We provide this option for your convenience, so that you
can take advantage of any already existing setup for your project. Do
not attempt this unless you are absolutely positively sure of what you
are doing. We do not have the resources or the manpower to provide
technical support and help in debugging. At the end of the day, we will
grade it just like every other project.
FAQ: Can we use
ASP/Ruby-on-Rails/AJAX/COMET/substitute-the-latest-buzzword-here/ for the
Answer: Certainly! However, you are on your own. We do not have
facilities to support these in the lab, nor to provide technical
FAQ: Can we kill any connections run by ourselves?
Answer: Yes. See the Using Postgresql page for more details.
Preparatory Steps:
- Check out Project Assignment 2 solutions on the course website.
- Select one person in your project in whose directory you will create
the files for the web interface.
- Create a directory called cs4604 in this person's home
directory on cs4604.cs.vt.edu. You can log into this machine
using your SLO id. You will be able to create/access this directory from
any machine on the rlogin cluster as well.
- Make your home directory world-executable (chmod a+x
~) and the cs4604 directory world-readable (chmod a+r cs4604).
- Place all your scripts and files inside this directory.
- You can access your website at the following URL:
http://cs4604.cs.vt.edu/~"selected person"/"start file name".php.
Help with PHP
Here are some good documentation resources
for PHP:
The best way in which you can access the
PostgreSQL database from your PHP program is to use the
module, which supports several PostgreSQL-specific commands.
Style Guide for your Application
What we want to see at the end of the day is a single web page, that
provides a nice interface to your database. Feel free to do more fancy
and creative things, but do so only after completing this "core"
requirement. We have a style guide for what
this page should look like. If you look at the template carefully,
notice that we are only querying the database. We are not doing any
inserts, updates or deletes. That's one direction to look for, if you
are aiming to be creative.
What you should turn in
You have to do two things to receive full credit:
- Every group has to turn in a project report. Email PDF version of your report to both the TAs by 12:00noon May 2 2016 with the subject header 'CS4604 Project Assignment 3'. Name the PDF as your-group-name.pdf.
Please do NOT send any file format other than PDF. Also submit hardcopy in the May 2 class.
- Every group has to give an in-person demo in a 10-15 min time-slot on May 3. This means that ALL members of the group should be present at the demo time-slot. If anyone misses the demo, we will grade that person's PA3 out of 33% (ie. whatever grade we assign to the team/3).
Please write your group name and choose exactly one time-slot for the demo here: Project 3 Demo Schedule. Sign-up by 5pm April 29 (otherwise we'll randomly assign remaining time-slots to groups).
Late submission Policy
- NO late days allowed on this assignment.
- Assignment submitted late every 7 hours, will lose 25% of the grade i.e. if you submit between 12:00noon-7pm May 2, you will be graded out of 75 points, between 7pm-2am (May 3) 50 points, 2am-10am May 3 25 points. Anything submitted later than 10am EDT May 3 will not be graded.
- How to submit late: Please email the PDF to TAs, and bring a hardcopy to your demo. Your submission will be timestamped according to the time of your email.
Also see below, for more information on what the project report and demo should contain.
What your project will be graded for
Here's the distribution of points:
- (10 points) First write and run the
following SQL queries on your database. These are just sample queries to
give you a sense of how SQL can enable some task for your application e.g. Query 1 below can help find recent publications for
any author. For each of the problems listed below, show the following in your hardcopy:
- Your SQL query,
- The result you obtained,
- The time your query took (use the \timing command in psql to obtain
the time).
While grading your solutions, we will pay attention to the quality of your
queries, e.g., whether they are correct, the number of tables they reference,
and the running time. Please desist from creating massive new tables to
support answering these queries!
- (2 points) List the 10 latest publications by author 'Philip S. Yu' (without the quotes).
- (3 points) Conferences are important venues in computer science. Journals on the other hand are becoming less and less important. Nevertheless, scientists continue to first publish a paper in a conference and then submit a full version (with the same title) to a journal. Count the number of publications that first appeared in a conference (the type of such a publication is "inproceedings") and later appeared with the same title in a journal (the type of such a publication is "article").
- (5 points) Find the 10 scientists with the highest number of collaborators restricted to type "articles". For this question, two scientists have collaborated if they write at least one "article" together; the number of papers they have written together does not matter. The number of collaborators of a scientist is the number of other scientists he/she has written at least one "article" with. Return the author name and the number of other authors he/she has collaborated with, for the 10 authors with the highest number of collaborators.
- (30 points) Does everything work correctly and do all the buttons
and links that we click indeed do what they are expected to do? We
will see if you are really accessing the database dynamically and are
not just "looking up" the data from some ready made source. We will
ensure this by typing ad-hoc queries. You will also need to make sure
that all query results have column names neatly presented and that
data is clearly tabulated.
- (20 points) A project report where you summarize all steps of your
project in a single document. If possible, include snapshots of your
web interface. This report can be easily created by
cutting-and-pasting all the previous reports that you submitted,
making sure you include the E/R diagram, the details about any
normalization, your relational schema and, the queries you created (above) in
the previous steps of the project. Include the role of each team member
in the project. Clearly identify the scope of everybody's
contribution. If there were any problems during the course of the
project (due to less than complete participation by some team member),
please identify them. Mention your project web-page in the first page of your report.
Include your answer to the next question too.
Of the 20 points, five are reserved for neatness, presentation, style,
consistency etc.
- (40 points) Implement some extra functionality (extra compared to the style guide). In your project
report, clearly list exactly what you have implemented and how we can
test it. Note that you must implement some extra functionality to
have a chance of getting upto 40 points. Here are some suggestions
for this step:
- Implement more complicated DB functionality: inserts, updates,
deletes, etc., or some more complex queries.
- Create a more visual or sophisticated interface for your web
application, not just the vanilla style template shown above. If
there is a more "natural" way for your application, maybe you will
write some nice interface for it.
- Address other aspects of your application,
such as transactions.
- Implementing user profiles and accounts
- Automatically recommend new collaborators to a user based on what their co-authors publish.
- (15 points, Extra credit) If the extra
functionality is exceptional, you can get upto 15 points of extra
credit, depending on how complex your application is. For example, one thing you can do is if you find a way to integrate and use Amazon AWS services
for this project.
Last Updated: Sat, Apr 9 2016