FOR THE PRE-FINAL IN-CLASS ORAL REPORT: Basically, you need to show you are on track. Show at least one computtational protocol, the trajectory (energy(time) plot), and your lowest energy structure. 3-5 slides. This would be a good time to ask questions and spell out problems you might have encountered to get feedback from class and your instructor. FOR THE FINAL WRITTEN REPORT: 1. Summarize you mid-term findings. 2. Explore 2-3 different protocols of simulated annealing folding. Here is one idea. Run a fairly long MD simulation at the protein melting temperature (317K), collect several (10) lowest energy structures, then cool each of them to 300K, run at 300K for a while, and then get a few lowest energy ones from those trajectories. Compare them visually, see if they make sense based on your lattice simulation results. 3. Run a long simulation at the melting temperature, output energy vs. time. Compute radius_of_gyration(time). Plot them together. Do you see folding/unfolding events? Confirm by visualizing the structures via VMD. Use a representation that shows secondary structure. You can use the radius of gyration .awk script from the lectures. 4. Make sure your report contains pictures and energy plots + careful description of the annealing protocols, use graphics to schematically represent them. Technical notes: a. See "Protein folding. Unfolded starting structures + some useful MD protocols." link on the class site. You will find specific annealing input file examples there. MAKE SURE TO USE THE CORRECT ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES AND CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES from the working example in /EXAMPLES (See also your homework and AMBER tutorial you have completed.) You can modify the temperature values as well as the duration of each annealing phase (value1, value2 and istep parameters). I do not recommend changing anything esle unless you know what you are doing, except, maybe, the parameter gamma_ln. Lower values of gamma_ln give you lower viscocity, that is faster folding. You can use gamma_ln=0.01. Remember that lower gamma_ln also means weaker copupling to your thermostat, the characteristic time [in picoseconds] is 1/gamma_ln. Thus, make sure that if gamma_ln is very small, the system still reaches the desired temperature over the specified annealing time. b. To take a given point from the AMBER trajectory and make it a starting point of a new simulation, you can do the following. Once the original trajectory is generated, input it into the ptraj script from your example (in the home directory). Modify the last line to "trajout a.rst restart", which will force the script to output a.rst.1, a.rst.2, etc. files instead of PDB files. Select frame number "N" you want, use it as your sander input in "-c a.rst.N" (See e.g. Check if you need to remove "N" in "a.rst.N" ). c. You do not have to run everything on GPU using $AMBER/bin/pmemd.cuda and wait in line till your card frees up. You can test everything using $AMBER/bin/sander, which will run on a single CPU instead (you do not need to reserve time for it). Just make sure you set nstlim variable to some small number of steps, say nstlim=100 , so your job does not take too long. Make sure to adjust your print frequency accordigly, e.g. ntpr=100, ntwx=100. You can test many features of your protocol this way, e.g. figure out the memory cost per 100 structures (ntwx=100) saved, etc. You won't be able to fold your protein though, for that you need the "supecomputer" mode.