Group 4. PASS. Strengths: recognized the problem of multiple local minima. Strengths: Pros and cons analysis. Strength: considered a whole range of methods. Strength: Went outside the "standard" bunch. Presentation drawbaks: Always start with formulating the whole problem. Need to look for methods available in Mathematica. Did not consider the 1st part: did not talk about the toy model (beads on strings or the lattcice model). Group 5. PASS. Strengths: Looked into the Energy functions. Thought about amino-acid composition. Looked "outside the box" (Ramachandran plot), stochastic differential equations (right on!). Looked into Methods specific to Mathematica. Presented some Pros/Cons analysis. Mentioned time complexity. Links to sources (papers cited, links). Gave a summary. Weaknesses: Always start with formulating the whole problem. Do not use slang in formal presentations. Group 3. PASS Strengths: Good simplification. Good graphics. Examples of foled chain. Formulated the challenge. An Analysis of numerical methods. Formulated open questions. How do we know we are done? Good question. Weakness: Always start with formulating the whole problem. Stick to what's available in Mathematica. Group 2. PASS Strengths: Started with the "Big Picture" question. Good graphics, the funnel. Good starting point: from the simple model. Lattice model considered. Weaknesses: Locking in on one method at this stage, discounting other possibilities. No summary. Group 1. PASS. Strengths: Started with a simplification. Good graphics. Looked into the background. Several models. Stillinger's model. Energy function. Both parts analyzed (toy model + numerical). Weaknesses Chosen model is too complex for a toy model needed here.