[CS Courses] [Top]

CS4414: Issues in Scientific Computing

CRN 15834, Spring 2006, MWF 8:00-8:50 @ McB 233

Instructor: L. T. Watson, 630 McBryde, 231-7540, ltw@cs.vt.edu

Office Hours: MWF 9:00-10:30, and by appointment.

GTA: None.



Homework assignments

Homework #1: due Jan. 30.

Homework #2: due Feb. 6.

Homework #3: due March 1.

Homework #4: due April 3.

Homework #5: due April 17.

Final project: due Monday, May 8, 16:25.


Designing and Building Parallel Programs
CS3414 - Numerical Analysis
Mathematica Examples

Fortran 90/95

Lahey Fortran: Fortran 95 language reference manual, user's manual
Fortran 95 script for fortran.cslab.vt.edu
Fortran 90 Tutorial from MTU

High Performance Fortran

Fortran 77D/90D Scalable and Portable Software Modules for SIMD and MIMD Distributed Memory Parallel Computers
IBM SP2 at HKU : High Performance Fortran
PGI Welcome Page
HPF courses available
High Performance Fortran
High Performance Fortran Index
High Performance Fortran Exercises
Parallel Programming Resources

  • Sample Programs: MAINF.f, MAINP.f, REAL_PRECISION.f
  • Tutorial: f90.ps, f90.ps.gz
  • Postscript viewers: Ghostscript.


    MPI- The Message Passing Interface Standard
    Webpages for MPI and MPE
    MPI Course Notes from Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre
    Cornell Theory Center workshop modules

  • [CS Courses] [Top]

    Last Updated: 12/16/05