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Re: Report for project

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Stephen Edwards (edwards@CS.VT.EDU)
Mon, 19 Feb 2001 09:48:55 -0500

Message-ID:  <3A913257.BF73DE40@cs.vt.edu>
Date:         Mon, 19 Feb 2001 09:48:55 -0500
From: Stephen Edwards <edwards@CS.VT.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Report for project

> Does anybody know if we have to turn in a report?

As described in the assignment itself and on the program dates/guidelines
page, you need to electronically submit your program to the Curator and
also turn in a hardcopy printout of the program (the "report").

> It says on the Syllabus, that we turn in a 3.5 inch floppy with our
> program, as well as a printed copy, and a report.

Yes :-). The syllabus was written before I knew for sure we would be
using the Curator. No disk copy is needed, since you electronically
submit your program to the Curator. Further, since all your documentation
and everything else is embedded as comments within your source file,
there is no separate "report"--only a hardcopy printout of your code.

> Do we only actually
> need to bring a printed copy?

Yes, that is correct. Sorry for the confusion. In the context of
program assignments, this semester it is always safe to read "report"
as "hardcopy printout of well-commented program".

                                -- Steve

Stephen Edwards            604 McBryde Hall          Dept. of Computer Science
e-mail      : edwards@cs.vt.edu           U.S. mail: Virginia Tech (VPI&SU)
office phone: (540)-231-5723                         Blacksburg, VA  24061-0106

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