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Re: prolog compiler

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Stephen Edwards (edwards@CS.VT.EDU)
Thu, 1 Nov 2001 13:34:50 -0500

Message-ID:  <3BE195CA.A47D5EEA@cs.vt.edu>
Date:         Thu, 1 Nov 2001 13:34:50 -0500
From: Stephen Edwards <edwards@CS.VT.EDU>
Subject:      Re: prolog compiler

> you must include a '\\'
> ['c:\\project3.pl'].

Like Scheme, Prolog interprets \ as an escape character, so if you
want to use backslash as a path separator in file names, you do indeed
need to double it.

Also like Scheme, Prolog is happy to use / as the path separator,
so if you want to use unix-style path names instead of DOS-style ones,
you won't have to double them up.

Unlike Scheme, the Prolog interpreter will allow you to use the arrow
keys to edit commands you are entering or to recall past commands (just
like bash, tcsh, etc.), something most people don't like about MIT

                                -- Steve

Stephen Edwards            604 McBryde Hall          Dept. of Computer Science
e-mail      : edwards@cs.vt.edu           U.S. mail: Virginia Tech (VPI&SU)
office phone: (540)-231-5723                         Blacksburg, VA  24061-0106

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