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Re: Newline characters

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§ídësmâçk (csides@VT.EDU)
Thu, 27 Sep 2001 22:14:45 -0400

Message-ID:  <>
Date:         Thu, 27 Sep 2001 22:14:45 -0400
From: §ídësmâçk <csides@VT.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Newline characters

Prof. Edwards,

I got a 0 every time I submitted my program. Today, I handed in my printed
code. Since the TA is going to subtract more points from my program, how
will he grade mine since I never got any points to begin with?

At 08:37 PM 9/27/2001 -0400, you wrote:
> > I know there are a couple ways to test for the end of line
>The preferred method is to call the boolean function Eoln to
>detect newlines and to use readln to read in/skip over them.
> > for some reason
> > I will read in a newline character one time and my program will
> > say it is an invalid token and then the next
> > time it will recongize it as an end of expression token.
>Remember that on PCs, a "new line" in a text file is represented
>by a two-character sequence: a carriage return character (CR)
>followed by a line feed character (LF). If you are reading one
>character at a time, it will take two reads to process this
>CR-LF pair. My guess is that you are only recognizing one of
>the two characters as an end-of-expression token (probably the
> -- Steve
>Stephen Edwards 604 McBryde Hall Dept. of Computer Science
>e-mail : edwards@cs.vt.edu U.S. mail: Virginia Tech (VPI&SU)
>office phone: (540)-231-5723 Blacksburg,
>VA 24061-0106

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