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Re: Input/Output files

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Stephen Edwards (edwards@CS.VT.EDU)
Wed, 26 Sep 2001 09:02:35 -0400

Message-ID:  <3BB1D1EB.7833D0FA@cs.vt.edu>
Date:         Wed, 26 Sep 2001 09:02:35 -0400
From: Stephen Edwards <edwards@CS.VT.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Input/Output files

James Errico wrote:
> I used standard input/output (writeln and readln) but
> for some reason the redirection seems to be giving my program problems

Be sure that you are using writeln/readln *without* giving a file handle
as an argument.

                                -- Steve

Stephen Edwards            604 McBryde Hall          Dept. of Computer Science
e-mail      : edwards@cs.vt.edu           U.S. mail: Virginia Tech (VPI&SU)
office phone: (540)-231-5723                         Blacksburg, VA  24061-0106

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