PIPELINE_HISTORY Brandon Foster (brandonf) Grant Foster (gfoster5) To use, type "pipeline_history" in the shell. This plugin displays the previously ran commands from the user. There is a "history" plugin, which this plugin is different from. This plugin prints each pipeline the user entered, as opposed to only the first command of each pipeline the user entered. To run pipeline_history in your shell, enter the following command from the directory in which your "esh" and your "eshoutput.py" files are located: $ ./esh -p /web/courses/cs3214/spring2015/projects/student-plugins/brandonf_gfoster5/pipeline_history To test the pipeline_history, enter the following command from the directory in which your "esh" and your "eshoutput.py" files are located: $ /web/courses/cs3214/spring2015/projects/student-plugins/brandonf_gfoster5/pipeline_history/group000_pipelineHistory_test.py eshoutput.py ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example usage: $ ./esh -p /web/courses/cs3214/spring2015/projects/student-plugins/brandonf_gfoster5/pipeline_history/ Loading /web/courses/cs3214/spring2015/projects/student-plugins/brandonf_gfoster5/pipeline_history//pipeline_history.so ...done. Plugin 'pipeline_history' initialized... esh> echo hi hi esh> echo hi | cat | rev | wc 1 1 3 esh> pipeline_history 1 echo hi 2 echo hi | cat | rev | wc 3 pipeline_history