/* updated Fall 2014 to conform to format described in handout */
require("persemestersettings.php"); ?>
CS 3214 echo $semester; ?> - esh plug-ins
Follow the instructions in the Handout.
A reminder: please do not publish the source code of your plug-in,
just the .so file.
Name of Plug-in |
Path |
Written By |
Last Modified |
Warning: Undefined variable $pluginpath in /mnt/web/export/courses/cs3214/spring2015/projects/esh-plugins.php on line 72
Fatal error: Uncaught ValueError: scandir(): Argument #1 ($directory) cannot be empty in /mnt/web/export/courses/cs3214/spring2015/projects/esh-plugins.php:74
Stack trace:
#0 /mnt/web/export/courses/cs3214/spring2015/projects/esh-plugins.php(74): scandir()
#1 /mnt/web/export/courses/cs3214/spring2015/projects/esh-plugins.php(92): list_plugins()
#2 {main}
thrown in /mnt/web/export/courses/cs3214/spring2015/projects/esh-plugins.php on line 74