Group Number ------------ Group 451 Student Information ------------------- Elmer Landaverde pid: Scott Sines pid: How to execute the plugin ------------------------- The piglatin plugin is executed as follows: piglatin ... WORD ... First write "piglatin" which is the name of the plugin. Next the user can write as many words as needed. The plugin will take an unlimited number of arguments and parse all of them into pig latin. Description of Functionality ---------------------------- The plugin will analyze one word at a time and apply the following rules: - If the word starts with vowel then "way" will be appended to the end of the word. Example: apple -> appleway, exit -> exitway - If the word starts with a consonant then everything up to the first vowel will be cut from the word and put at the end followed by "ay". In this case the letter 'y' counts as a vowel. Example: phil -> ilphay, scott -> ottscay