ESH POKEDEX (pkdx) Plugin by: Artur Aguiar ======================= Welcome to the very best (hopefully only) Kanto Pokedex port for the extensible shell! SETUP: Move the .so file to the directory you will use to load plugins from (e.g. /plugins). When executing esh, use the -p argument and pass the plugin directory where you put the pkdx .so file (e.g. ./esh -p plugins). Esh will load with the plugins in the directory including pkdx. USAGE: pkdx [FLAGS] [POKEID] You can view help by using the -h flag (i.e. 'pkdx -h'). A listing is provided with the -l flag. The credits are printed if given the -c flag. For finding information about any of the Kanto 151 pokemon use: pkdx POKEID Where POKEID is the National ID of the pokemon you want to find. pkdx will give you a graphical representation of the pokemon, its name, type, and short description. Have fun and catch them all!