Plugin Name: Dining Hours. Author(s): Samyak Singh, Michael Louie. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Hours pulled from Accurate only for NORMAL OPERATIONS DURING WEEKDAYS ONLY. Functionality: This plugin allows users to view a particular or all VT dining hall hours. In addition, users can check if a/all dining hours are open/closed with respect to their current machine time. Usage: dh [dininghalltag] [-t | -h] -t Checks if dining hall is open with respect to current computer time. -h Displays help and usage info for this plugin. dininghalltags -------------------------- time - Displays the current local machine time. glc - Au Bon Pain - GLC sqcafe - Au Bon Pain - Squires Cafe sqkiosk - Au Bon Pain - Squires Kiosk goodwin - Au Bon Pain - at Goodwin Hall burger37 - Burger '37 d2 - D2 deets - Deet's Place dunkindonut - Dunkin' Donuts dx - DXpress grill - Hokie Grill & Co. owens - Owens Food Court 1872 - Turner Place - 1872 Fire Grill Hours atomic - Turner Place - Atomic Pizzeria bruegger - Turner Place - Bruegger's Bagels dolci - Turner Place - Dolci e Caffe jamba - Turner Place - Jamba Juice ogrill - Turner Place - Origami Grill osushi - Turner Place - Origami Sushi qdoba - Turner Place - Qdoba Mexican Grill soup - Turner Place - Soup Garden vet - Vet Med Cafe west - West End Market