Student Information ------------------- Plugin Name: PrimeFactorsFinder Purpose: This plugin allows you to find the prime factors of any positive integer number greater than 0. The results is output on a single line after the command is called. To Run Plugin: Simply type "primeFactors" as a command with a number greater than 1 to find all of its prime factors printed out to the screen. An example would be... Input: primeFactors 456 Output: 2 2 2 3 19 IMPORTANT ---------> TO SUPPORT THIS PLUGIN <------------------- IMPORTANT BELOW TO CONNECT IN CODE: If you get access to the plugin struct, all you need to do is call process_builtin and pass it a command struct Example: plugin_struct->process_builtin(your_command_struct); If TRUE is returned, the plugin was run successfully and the command entered was valid for the plugin (a.k.a the commands argv[0] was equal to "primeFactors") If FALSE is returned, the command was not valid and you should try the command struct on something else IMPORTANT ----------> TO SUPPORT THIS PLUGIN <----------------- IMPORTANT ABOVE To Run Plugin Tests: Run with the below command in your src directory if the .so and .py test file are located in your plugins directory. python plugins/ " -p plugins" Note: You may either use the provided or the project one. They are identical.