Plugin: Configurable Prompt Student 1: CJ Butnehoff (cjb) Student 2: Andrew Sanders (andrewgs) Description: This plugin allows the user to configure their prompt using a config.fig file located in the directory they are running the shell from. It will search for a line in the file starting with "PROMPT=" and parse the text in the qutations following it into a prompt. If the PROMPT= line is missing or invalid(i.e. no or missing quotes) then it displays the default prompt. The default prompt is also displayed if the file itself is missing. Note: The shell must be started up in the same folder containing the config file to detect it. Afterwards the workign directory can change via a command like "cd" and it will not affect the plugin. The plugin uses the following strings to reference system information: /u: The current username. /h: The name of the current host machine. /w: The name of the current working directory. To use one of these flags in the prompt use and additional '/' so: "//u@//h://w>" would become the prompt /u@/h:/w> An example prompt: PROMPT="/u@/h:/w>"