This plugin is similar to the time command in Unix No backgrounding however Plugin Name: Time Authors: Qiuchan Wang, Hunter Morgan ----------------------------------------------------- Functionality: Shows duration of execution of a particular command in real and system time (in seconds.microsecs) Usuage: //Precede any command by the word time : esh> time sleep 1 // When the command completes time reports how long it took to execute // in terms of Real, User CPU and System CPU time real 1.001s system 0.000s esh> ----------------------------------------------------- Note on time from our friend Wikipedia: == A program may spend some time waiting and not executing at all (whether in user mode or system mode) the real time may be greater than the total CPU time. == A program may fork children whose CPU times (both user and sys) are ADDED to the values reported by the time command, BUT on a multicore system these tasks are run in parallel, the total CPU time may be greater than the real time.