<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< FCC README >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CS 3214 - McQuain/Kafura Fall 2013 Group #369 - Dirk Hortensius [dirker27] - Jonathan Lester [jonal90] +----------+ | OVERVIEW |)>--------------------------------------------- +----------+ FCC is a general censorship plugin for cleaning up profanity that may potentially be found in a file. FCC aggressively replaces words with profane components with their more politically correct variants. A sentence containing the word 'ass' is scrubbed and is substituted with the less offensive 'butt'. What makes this an aggressive replacement system is that this will replace any full word that contain these offensive words as sub- strings. This allows us to screen variants of profanity, but also has the drawback of censoring innocent words as well. ie: 'asshole' is censored because it contains 'ass' (GOOD!) 'assassin' is censored because it contains 'ass' (less good) +-------+ | USAGE |)>------------------------------------------------ +-------+ FCC can be called and executed with the following syntax: fcc = -f : "file mode" -s : "string mode" = file name (if in file mode) word (if in string mode) ------ FILE MODE -------- File mode will allow a user to scrub a suspect file. The clean version of said file will be saved to the same file name and data extension with an additional .fcc extension at the end. The scrubbing is non-destructive, so the original file will not change I: fcc -f offensive_file.txt O: Censored version of {offensive_file.txt} saved to {offensive_file.txt.fcc} ------ STRING MODE ------- String mode will allow the user to quickly test if a word will be censored. I: fcc -s bastard O: Change 'bastard' to 'illegitimate child'