******************** WhatDoesTheFoxSay Readme *************************** *CS 3214* *Fall 2013* *Group 364* Devin Henslee (devin90) Jackie Falatko (jackief) *Overview* WhatDoesTheFoxSay plugin allows the user to input an animal and it outputs what the fox says according to the song The Fox (What Does The Fox Say?) by Ylvis. The animals supported are dog, cat, bird, mouse, cow, frog, elephant, duck, fish, seal, and fox. If the user enters a string that is not one of these animals, the fox has nothing to say. If the user inputs a nonstring or does not enter an argument, the user will get an error. *How To Run* FoxSays Simply include all files in WhatDoesTheFoxSay dir to your plugins dir and then run your shell with -p plugins extension. Make sure to bring the files out of the WhatDoesTheFoxSay dir to you plugins dir. To run this plugin type FoxSays and then enter a string in position.