Course Policies
The following policies apply to this class. Pay particular attention to the
stipulations of the undergraduate honor code and the departmental policy on
cheating. Additional information can be found in the
We use automatic cheating detection tools.
Read more about the impact of these tools:
Undergraduate Honor System Constitution
Departmental Policy on Koofers, Old Programs, Cheating, and Computer Use
ACM Code of Ethics
IEEE Code of Ethics
University Policy on Class Attendance
Add/Drop Policy
This being my first undergraduate course at Virginia Tech, I am not
familiar with all policies other instructors follow.
Here is what you need to know:
- Not attending on the first day of class doesn't automatically drop you.
- I enforce prerequisites (a grade of C or better in a completed 2604 and 2504),
you can't take CS 2604 concurrently.
- You must submit a prerequisite form which I'll hand out in class.
The deadline is Feb 1st or you might be dropped from the class.
It's your responsibility to check.