            CRN 91392: Monday, Wednesday 4:00PM - 5:15PM, McBryde 209            

Professor:       Dr. Sallie M. Henry
Office:             637, McBryde
Office Hours:  3:00PM - 4:00PM M,W and by appointment

Telephone:      231-7584


How to contact me (with the following preferences)

·         Ask questions in class, if you are confused, you are not alone

·         See during office hours 

·         Send me e-mail

·         Call me at the office 231-7584 (answers should be given within 24 hours)

·         Call me at home 961-2498 (until 10:00pm weeknights; 10:00am to 10:00pm weekends).

·         Put a note under my office door.

This Course has one GTA and the GTA Office hours will always be held at 133McB

GTA :  Ramya Ravichandar

Office: 133 McBryde
Office Hours: TBA


Class Listserv:



Text (Optional):

Operating Systems: Gary Nutt

Soft Copy available in batches.

This course covers both theoretical and practical issues underlying operating systems design and implementation. The programming projects cover the implementation and the lectures and exams cover both the theory and implementation. 

Others: You are responsible for reading your email everyday and any announcement made in class.


Please send any comments / suggestions to:

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