Design Issues
Only the job scheduler uses priority
At any event if an arrival comes in, the running job goes to the back of the ready queue and the arrival goes behind
Quantum is not carried over. Each time a fresh quantum is assigned when an interrupt occurs
Once the process becomes long, it stays long
The job id does not indicate the arrival time
All the resources are pre-allocated. A process keeps these resources from the time when it enters till it completes execution
1. If job X is running but is long (in other words the ready queue is empty) and job Y arrives and moves to the ready queue, job X goes to the end and the long queue goes back to long.
2. If job X arrives and CAN start, then it goes to the ready queue
There will be 4 input files with a different configuration per file. These will basically test the following:
1) Priority
2) Limited Round Robin Scheduling
3) Round Robin Scheduling
4) Combination of the above
- The queues that the Banker's Algorithm will check are
Ready,Long and Wait
- A job has to be running in order to request/release resources
- FIFO is used in the wait queue
- A running job can go 'long' directly.
- The last line in the input file will be D 9999
* September 26,midnight - Submission of Project1
* October 10, 12:00pm (Noon)- Submission of Project2
* October 20 - Midterm Exam in Class