CS 3204: Final Exam topics

The topics from which you might expect questions for the final exam are given below. The topics in bold will be emphasized in the final exam.
  1. Introduction
    • Definition of OS
    • Multiprogramming
    • Multitasking
    • Resource
      • abstraction
      • isolation
      • sharing
    • Different Strategies
    • Batch
    • Time shared
    • Real-time systems
    • Personal computers
    • Networked systems
  2. Using the OS
  3. OS organization
  4. Computer Organization
  5. Device Management
    • Basic issues
    • Hierarchical model of I/O
    • I/O System Interface
      • Block-oriented device interface
      • Stream-oriented device interface
      • Network-oriented device interface
    • I/O Devices
    • Device drivers
      • Programmed I/O with polling
      • Programmed I/O with interrupts
      • DMA
    • Disk Scheduling
      • FCFS
      • SSTF
      • Scan or Elevator
  6. Process Management
  7. Process Scheduling
  8. Process Synchronization
  9. Deadlocks
    • Avoidance
    • Prevention
    • Detection and Recovery
  10. Memory Management
    • Single partition
    • Overlays
    • Fixed partitioning
    • Dynamic partitioning
    • Paging
    • Demand Paging
    • Segmentation
    • Segmentation with paging
  11. File systems
    • User view of files, directories, etc.
    • File system implementation
    • Disk space management
    • File system performance