; Script 9 ; ; Test of search failures with a large database file. ; ; Specify boundaries of coordinate space: world 0860000W 0750000W 320000N 430000N GIS Program dbFile: db.txt script: Script09.txt log: Log09.txt Start time: Mon Jun 20 13:42:57 EDT 2016 Quadtree children are printed in the order SW SE NE NW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Latitude/longitude values in index entries are shown as signed integers, in total seconds. World boundaries are set to: 154800 -309600 -270000 115200 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Import a large DB file: Command 1: import VA_All.txt Imported Features by name: 59546 Longest probe sequence: 76 Imported Locations: 59546 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Check the location and name/state indices if you dare: ;debug quad ;debug hash ; ; Try a few name/state searches for nonexistent features: Command 2: what_is Bleaksburg VA No records match Bleaksburg and VA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Command 3: what_is Nova VA No records match Nova and VA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Command 4: what_is Wet Run VA No records match Wet Run and VA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Try a location search for an empty location: Command 5: what_is_at 383340N 0793423W Nothing was found at 793423W 383340N -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; And a search for an empty region: Command 6: what_is_in -l 363206N 0804752W 6 6 Nothing was found in (804752W +/- 6, 363206N +/- 6) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Exit Command 7: quit Terminating execution of commands. End time: Mon Jun 20 13:43:38 EDT 2016 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------