In Eclipse: 1: Create a new Java project; I called mine BST2016; the name is unimportant Don't worry about customizing settings at this point Outside Eclipse: 2: Create a directory structure BST2016/src/Minor/P2/DS/ 3: Copy into src/ 4: Copy into src/Minor/P2/DS/ 5: Create a new directory BST2016/addin/ 6: Copy Monk.class into BST2016/addin/ 7: Create a directory structure BST2016/addin/Minor/P2/DS/ 8: Copy Monk.class into BST2016/addin/Minor/P2/DS/ (No, I don't see why I need both copies of Monk.class) Back in Eclipse: 9: Right-click on the project BST2016; goto Properties 10: Select Java Build Path; goto the Libraries tab 11: Click on Add a Class Folder 12: Select the BST2016/addin directory 13: Click OK 14: Go to Build and select Clean 15: Then select Build Project Note: the build will fail unless you've cleaned up the posted file and implemented the methods enough to compile them